
Lessons from GCPedia: As tweeted at the Social Media for Government Conference in Ottawa today

This is an easy blog entry. I’ve just scanned through the Twitter stream emerging from a conference session, removing duplication, so that we sitting at our desks can reap the highlights of what was said. Let me know what you think of the concept and the format. In this session, Jeff Braybrook and Thom KearneyRead… Read more »

Twittering Hoekstra Slips on a Bar of Soap But Press/Blogosphere Reaction Worse

At got geoint?, we like to think of ourselves as fairly forward-thinking when it comes to Web 2.0. We set up this blog and our accompanying Twitter handle, Facebook Fan Page and Linked-In group as a way to be an additional resource for the GEOINT community. We have often talked about how Twitter is aRead… Read more »

The rise of the “Third Estate”…

Excerpt for govloop… To get the blog rolling, I think it would be best to level set what “The Rise of the Third Estate” really means. I will assume most interested readers will have a background in Social Media and what can be termed as Web 2.0 / Web 3.0, etc. It is my hopeRead… Read more »

Beginners Guide to Government 2.0 — Some Suggestions from a Practitioner

from I have talked before on a few occasions about how I think Government 2.0 will be a defining theme in our business over the next few years. It’s an inevitable change because the 2nd wave of the Web (notably social media, true collaboration, societal acceptance of user generated content, etc.) has taken hold.Read… Read more »

GovLoop Member of the Week – Craig Newmark, Customer Service Rep and Founder,

His envelopes are addressed to Mr. Newmark, but the founder of the online classified list website is better known for his first name: Craig. When not busy with craigslist, or working with the Craigslist Foundation, a community-building platform, Craig is a member of GovLoop. Craig graciously agreed to be profiled as a GovLoop member ofRead… Read more »

Librarians light up the listservs

Librarians have been using this “new” media for 15 years. No surprise when they were the last bastion of relevant information during a recent constitutional rights dustup in America. Library listservs are like a Twitter email stream. And they do get going at an incredible pace with statewide and national networks. Information exchange on aRead… Read more »

Anti-Social Networking

This is a cautionary post for those fearless space travelers who might venture too close to the unforgiving Black Hole of Social Networks. Some of us may have already found our atoms placed end-to-end as we’ve been MySpaced, Friendstered, Facebooked, Twittered, Twined, and LinkedIn. Just remember, there is nothing new under the stars. Social NetworkingRead… Read more »

Technology and the State Department

This is taken directly from the transcript posted on the Department of State’s website (Town Hall Meeting held at the US State Department on February 4th, 2009). I thought a question on technolgy might interest some of you…if you are interested in reading the whole transcript, visit: MODERATOR: Okay, our next question comes fromRead… Read more »