Twittering of Historical Events…Totally Brilliant!
Check out where you can follow the tweets of Charles Darwin on the Beagle. So what other historical events might be educational/amusing using this methodology?
Check out where you can follow the tweets of Charles Darwin on the Beagle. So what other historical events might be educational/amusing using this methodology?
A quick review from: An interesting new white paper contrasts “Public Media 1.0” (public broadcasting, cable access, nonprofit satellite set-asides) with “Public Media 2.0” (multiplatform, participatory, centered around informing and mobilizing networks of engaged users). It says that “the individual user has moved from being an anonymous part of a mass to being theRead… Read more »
I live on a small island off the coast of British Columbia, across from Vancouver. The Road status tool was built by volunteers, during the bad weather. It’s not a big deal in itself, but is a proof of concept at the very least. Our next step, after completing the geo-tagging of roads, is toRead… Read more »
I had the privilege of speaking today at a conference on social media in gov’t hosted by the Potomac Forum. Listening to the other speakers, as often is the case, I heard similar concepts to the ones I use, but put in different ways. I thought I’d share here some of what I distilled. NoneRead… Read more » But wait, wasn’t it Facebook and Twitter that enabled intel sharing re: Mumbai attacks? NYdailynews.com_spies-form-virtual-units
Hello GovLoopers, I wanted to put out a feeler for a conference I am planning to happen sometime in June (as soon as I get a venue confirmed). I am looking to do a conference in the style of TED in which speakers/presenters can showcase their work/idea/thought/project with a 15-20minute slot time. In addition, wouldRead… Read more »
Am at the SM in Govt Workshop today, putting faces to names from GovLoop. Follow the action on Twitter @ #smgov
This is our newest forray into Facebook. It’s fun, so I’m sharing it. Become a fan of the NYC Condom – on Facebook. By visiting the new page you can send e-condoms to your friends, spread the word about safe sex and link to information on where to find condoms. The Health Department will alsoRead… Read more »
Let’s face it, Facebook is huge. More than 150 million people around the world are now actively using Facebook and almost half of them are using Facebook every day. This includes people in every continent—even Antarctica. Now many government agencies are deploying their own version of this popular social networking site to share information andRead… Read more »