
Applying Crowdsourcing/Collaborative Models in a Government Environment

This is the third of three in a mini-series of blog entries. In the first blog entry, I described Gov 2.0 as a world of “permeable boundaries”, characterized by crowdsourcing and collaboration, and described the challenges that created for leadership. In the second blog entry I looked at some model organizations that are already workingRead… Read more »

Are You Using GovTwit Yet?

As folks in this community know well, more and more people in and around government are using the social media platform Twitter. Twitter allows users to create a community of interest and shared information via “tweets” of 140 characters or less. Government users have created a vibrant and active community using Twitter daily to talkRead… Read more »

Twitter Outreach

We just set up a twitter account ( in hopes of using it as another source of distribution to the press and citizens. So, I’ve been poking around online and discovered a few articles of interest. The Pioneer Press on Twitter Learn about micro blogging and join our reporters in the Twitterverse Twitter usage byRead… Read more »

Models of Leadership in a Crowdsourcing/Collaborative Environment.

This is the second of mini-series of three blog entries. In the first blog entry, I described Gov 2.0 as a world of “permeable boundaries”, characterized by crowdsourcing and collaboration, and described the challenges that created for leadership. In this blog entry I’ll look at some model organizations that are already working (and very effectively)Read… Read more »

Are You a Member of Generation C?

Originally published at the Young Government Leaders Blog In my journeys across the Web, I have observed a fascinating phenomena: Millennials and Gen X’ers aren’t the only ones embracing the power of social media and its potential to create “Government 2.0.” If I had to estimate the average age of guests at virtual venues likeRead… Read more »

Good Peeps to Have

I’m trying to keep my total Twitter list under 200 to keep up, but there are so many fascinating people. Here are just a few, whittled down for a Top 10 list after tipped by GovLoopers @ariherzog and @krazykriz (I kinda skipped the niche theme, except in the sense that I am my own niche):Read… Read more »

Could Government Learn From Professional Sports Teams?

I was watching Sportscenter yesterday and, as I saw Sean Avery’s idiotic comment, a crazy thought went through my head. Avery’s comment was surely embarrassing and offensive to his team and to the NHL. His team and the league clearly would have preferred he had not said anything like that. However, both the team andRead… Read more »