
Your State Has a Great Website: So What?!

Originally posted at the GenerationShift blog. In preparation for a workshop that Ari Herzog and I will be facilitating on March 26 at the Advanced Learning Institute’s Social Media for Government Conference, I spent some time this afternoon reviewing a report by Darrell West of the Brookings Institution called “State and Federal Electronic Government inRead… Read more »

Prez, A little help for local government please!

When doling out some part of the 1 trillion dollar economic stimulus package in 2009, perhaps President Obama and his leadership team could think a little more broadly about enabling local government and education to take advantage of new Web 2.0 technologies to support true fundamental change in the way that citizens communicate with government.Read… Read more »

Change This

It is overwhelming refreshing and even inspirational to consider that as a country we have a real opportunity for change in governmental processes. It is a historic opportunity. But it is one that could easily be wasted. How can we avoid that possibility? The Right Conversations. We have to begin by having the right conversations.Read… Read more »

Annoucements 2.0

At EPA, we have a newly confirmed Administrator-designate, Lisa Jackson. I look forward to working with her team. Our first effort on her behalf was posting her post-confirmation statement and a memo to employees in multiple places: EPA home page, in a banner at the top, in English and Spanish our Facebook page Twitter TheRead… Read more »

Microsoft FutureFed: Gov 2.0 – What does it mean to the Federal Government?

Amid the excitement and flurry surrounding a new administration, Federal agencies and workers must remember the call for transparency and accountability. To do so, they must understand and embrace the concept of “Gov 2.0.” Like Web 2.0, taking advantage of Internet technology and Web design, Gov. 2.0 will, according to the Wikipedia definition, “enhance creativity,Read… Read more »

President Obama and Social Media: Dreams and Reality

This is an article that I wrote for publication called “Media Bullseye.” Thought that it might be timely and I hope that you guys enjoy. Mark President Obama and Social Media: Dreams and Reality Shortly after the November elections, I began a meme, asking some brighter minds than my own what they thought the impactRead… Read more »

Social Media and the Federal Government: Perceived and Real Barriers and Potential Solutions

Social Media and the Federal Government: Perceived and Real Barriers and Potential Solutions SocialMediaFed Govt_BarriersPotentialSolutions.pdf December 23, 2008 Produced by the following members of the Federal Web Managers Council: Bev Godwin, GSA/ (Executive sponsor) Sheila Campbell, GSA/ (Co-chair) Rachel Flagg, Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (Co-chair) Jeffrey Levy, EPA (Co-chair, Social media sub-council) JoyceRead… Read more »