
President Obama and Social Media: Dreams and Reality

This is an article that I wrote for publication called “Media Bullseye.” Thought that it might be timely and I hope that you guys enjoy. Mark President Obama and Social Media: Dreams and Reality Shortly after the November elections, I began a meme, asking some brighter minds than my own what they thought the impactRead… Read more »

Social Media and the Federal Government: Perceived and Real Barriers and Potential Solutions

Social Media and the Federal Government: Perceived and Real Barriers and Potential Solutions SocialMediaFed Govt_BarriersPotentialSolutions.pdf December 23, 2008 Produced by the following members of the Federal Web Managers Council: Bev Godwin, GSA/ (Executive sponsor) Sheila Campbell, GSA/ (Co-chair) Rachel Flagg, Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (Co-chair) Jeffrey Levy, EPA (Co-chair, Social media sub-council) JoyceRead… Read more »

To blog or not – let’s try an experiment

Hello there! Thanks for reading my first-ever blog post on my own, as opposed to writing for EPA’s blog, Greenversations. I’m pretty active on Twitter @levyj413, talking about social media (aka Web 2.0) and esp. social media in gov’t, but I’ve never blogged in a normal-length format. I’m enthusiastically learning and exploring various social mediaRead… Read more »

Microsoft FutureFed: Is there another option for Obama when it comes to mobile e-mail?

There has been a fair amount of speculation around whether or not President-elect Obama will choose to (or even be able to) use a mobile device, as he’s accustomed to doing, once he takes the oath of office. As we saw during his campaign, traditional ways of getting things done will likely be challenged andRead… Read more »

Using Social Networks to Tackle Government Budget Crises

Social networks have gained wide acceptance and praise for their use in political campaigns. It’s their use in actual government administration and public policy making environments where their absence is fueling new debate. As a solution for government-citizen communication, they can be a powerful forum for collaboration. Still, social networks remain a rarity, if atRead… Read more »