
How to Help Out Your Fellow Woman

Let’s face it: sexism is real. There have been studies, research, personal accounts, and you might’ve experienced it for yourself firsthand. As a woman in the workforce, dealing with everyday sexism can be hard; whether it be subtle comments directed towards you, or being expected to do the office housework. But, while our society mayRead… Read more »

Dakota Access Pipeline: 5 Reasons the Protests Are Happening

  Failure of the U.S. Legal System: From an archaeological perspective, the violence against protesters fighting for their cultural heritage in North Dakota (ND) has resulted from the failure of the U.S. legal system. The completion of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) would make the pipeline go across more than 200 waterways, which requires permitsRead… Read more »

How to Engage Next-Generation Talent by Differentiating Your Agency

The challenge for agencies is finding skilled, younger workers to replace an aging workforce. They are driven by mission and a strong sense of purpose to transform their communities and the nation for the better. This sense of purpose is what agencies must tap into when recruiting next-generation talent.