“All Views Are My Own”
Why (and how!) local government staff should tell their stories on social media.
Why (and how!) local government staff should tell their stories on social media.
Learn the myths surrounding different generations in the workplace and how to combat them.
Meeting management techniques are something that you can learn and improve with time. The tips in this article will help you quickly boost your skills at managing meetings, but they are still only the start of your journey towards becoming a confident meeting chair.
If it weren’t for e-mail, society as a whole surely would not be as productive as it is in this day and age. We can converse with co-workers, peers and colleagues in (almost) real time, regardless of their proximity – two offices away or two time zones away. That’s pretty great, right? Anyone?
Connecting with your colleagues through intentional conversation can help foster trust and transform your office’s culture.
Using a change management model is important whenever you’re implementing change because it sets you up for higher rates of success. Here are two models to consider as a navigate change at your agency.
Meet GovLoop’s newest featured bloggers who will be blogging once a week for the next twelve weeks.
Commensurate with the explosion of information technology has been the critical need for local governments to be focused on a coherent message while being nimble in dispersing that message over an ever-expanding network of communications opportunities. Many municipalities and counties are becoming aggressive in their aim, but are still limited by their resources and vision.
It is worth noting that none of us were forced into reducing our myriad thoughts, emotions and complexities of the human experience into 140 characters. We hopped on this bandwagon voluntarily.
Learn how you can become a GovLoop featured blogger.