Calling All Writers! Become a GovLoop Featured Blogger
We’re looking for great GovLoop voices to blog once a week for the GovLoop community.
We’re looking for great GovLoop voices to blog once a week for the GovLoop community.
I believe gratitude is slowly fading from our everyday lives. We’re too busy, too tired, too stuck within our own heads to pause and be thankful.
While fake news on the internet is nothing new, the role and the degree to which it may be playing in our decision making has taken on new significance.
The context in which innovations need to function is a complex one that has many interconnected parts. The mindset in this mode sets a foundation upon which the synthesis of valuable innovation concepts occurs.
A road map for individuals and organizations who want to find their path to inclusion through connectional intelligence.
To celebrate these government agencies’ inventive platforms, this week’s Intersection is here to show you some of the top government websites and hopefully inspire some newfangled digital growth at your agency.
Knowing people is about gaining an understanding of people’s thoughts and needs by listening, observing, interacting and analyzing.
While social media can be empowering, the same tools enable falsehood and lies to spread faster and farther than ever. How did we get here, and what should governments and citizens do about it?
As a dedicated employee, and a fighter for equality, positively addressing sexist comments is one of the most important things you can do, no matter how awkward it may be.
Fear. Anger. Excitement. Relief. Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, it’s safe to say that this presidential election brought emotions to the forefront. While we reflect on the circumstances, actions, and results of the last few months, I can’t help but observe the powerful role emotions play in our decision-making.