How to Handle Criticism From a Tough Boss
Constructive criticism is tough to swallow. It’s even more tough with a difficult boss. Read for practical tips on how to develop a game plan that works in your favor.
Constructive criticism is tough to swallow. It’s even more tough with a difficult boss. Read for practical tips on how to develop a game plan that works in your favor.
Getting buy-in on a new idea is a critical component of creating positive change in your organization. A few tweaks to your approach could improve your presentation and communication skills – are you ready to put that next big idea into action?
How will communications leaders be defined in the future? What skills will you need to be successful as roles evolve? Here are a few ideas.
Design is not merely a first impression of something we are about to consume. It controls how we consume content, from the order we read elements on a page to the shape and spacing of the letters.
Overcoming challenges starts with understanding what high-performance computing is and what distinguishes this technology from other IT infrastructures already in place at federal agencies.
Check out these five practical tips on how to keep your skills sharp when communicating with others.
Language is important, so be mindful of the words you choose to post that will remain on the internet forever. Follow these simple rules to make your quote postings more meaningful.
Every email that hits me overwhelms me with new information. I used to keep everything in my inbox and file it away in the folders only to miss deadlines on responding back. Until, I finally started poking around Microsoft Outlook and using their amazing features to stay organized. These features are too good not to… Read more »
The feedback you provide in a training evaluation is more important than you think. Let me explain why.
Training is a useful tool, but it’s just that – a tool. The apparent need for training can mask a deeper problem – unclear expectations. When employees don’t know what you want, smart people create processes that don’t work.