Don’t Start With Once Upon A Time And 5 Other Tips For Better Government Stories
Learn how to effectively share your government story so residents truly remember.
Learn how to effectively share your government story so residents truly remember.
The answer is simple: Facebook Live is the public access channel of the 21st century and is the new way to reach and engage your target audience. There are many possible uses of Live.
When you produce something for an audience, remember that you are asking them to give you a treasure: their time. To help you maximize your audience’s precious resource, here are some tips to consider.
Introverts have a power all their own when it comes to work. See why, despite popular misconceptions, being an office introvert can be a positive thing.
As the presidential election nears, talking with your coworkers has gotten increasingly treacherous. Whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green, independent, or undecided voter, in order to not make enemies at work, you need to learn how to agree to disagree.
Read on to meet the new GovLoop Featured Bloggers, who will be posting once a week for the next three months.
In order for government to deliver on digital, there has to be a complete shift of mindset.
Prepare to be amazed. You might think you have your tool belt full of PowerPoint tricks, but there’s always room for one more.
Mispronouncing or incorrectly speaking as well as making fun of someone’s name demeans their identity.
Other than the cool factor of telling people where we work, your organization’s visibility is important to your work. People are more willing to partner with someone they are familiar with.