Knock, Knock. Who’s There? Open-Door Policy?
Recently, I sat down with an associate analyst (AA) in state government to talk “shop.” Here’s how the conversation went.
Recently, I sat down with an associate analyst (AA) in state government to talk “shop.” Here’s how the conversation went.
The Office of Management and Budget released in July a long-awaited update to their guidance to agencies on steps they should take to manage – not avoid — expected and unexpected risks to their operations
Here are five things you can do right now that will prepare you and your colleagues for the virtual world of work that’s coming.
When it comes to federal office space, much of the focus has been on reducing the government’s real estate footprint. But agencies must also consider how the modern office space is, or at least can be, used as a recruitment tool for top talent.
What do you feel when you hear the word feedback? Maybe you feel anxious, nervous, defensive, misunderstood, exhausted, judged or criticized. You’re not alone. Here’s a six-step process for supervisors and employees to provide feedback.
What if someone can’t access the important information your organization shares on your website, blog, social media, or digital documents simply because they can’t see or download images? There’s a simple solution to this problem called alt text.
Guess what? We updated the Daily Awesome newsletter! Here are the details.
If you feel that you want or need to disclose a physical or mental health disability at work, how should you go about it? These guidelines may help.
This week’s gem is particularly fascinating as it combined two of my favorite topics: Myers Briggs Type Indicator and Emotional Intelligence. If you implement this tool, you can literally change the outcome of any office situation.
Taking the time to “understand the other person” and listen to “emotions behind words” will not only enhance your communication skills, but build trust with your career and life partners.