
Defending Against the Advanced Malware Threat

This interview is an excerpt from our recent guide, The Future of Cybersecurity, which examines 15 trends transforming the way government safeguards information and technology. Most data breaches are caused by highly sophisticated malware, which can evade point-in-time detection technologies. Today, more than ever, it is essential for the government to protect its networks withRead… Read more »

Becoming More Secure with Big Data Analytics

This interview is an excerpt from our recent guide, The Future of Cybersecurity, which examines 15 trends transforming the way government safeguards information and technology. It is no longer a given that a network is safe and secure. Security professionals used to be able to sleep at night knowing their networks were virtually impenetrable. ButRead… Read more »

Stopping Cybercriminals in Their Tracks

Everyday your data is at risk. Cybercriminals are constantly getting smarter and finding new ways to hack your most valuable assets. So how do you stay abreast of the top security measures to protect you and your agency? In a recent GovLoop training, Protecting Your Data: More Than an IT Problem, cybersecurity experts Brad Rounding,Read… Read more »

Challenges At All Levels

Shrinking budgets, and aging workforces, and cyber threats, oh my! State and local governments face these obstacles and more while trying serve the community. In the effort to better tool government to face these challenges, GovLoop brought together a virtual training of experts to show how advanced technology and innovative practices can help public servantsRead… Read more »

How Information Security Can be Optimized through Partnerships, Collaboration and Outsourcing

Information security for government agencies is a hot topic these days, and it needs to be confronted in a concerted, specific manner. There are a few factors at hand in the question of information security. Inability to keep abreast of threats, poor risk management understanding, inadequate funding for security initiatives and a shortage of qualifiedRead… Read more »

The Cyber War We Are Losing

We are constantly on our smart phones. We rely on apps such as Google Maps, our favorite news site, or social media outlets (i.e. Facebook and Twitter). Subsequently, a lot of our information is floating around. We’ve heard about the danger this can put us in, but did you know we are also currently inRead… Read more »

How DHS is Creating the Future of Cybersecurity

With constant news about breaches detected and how government is managing the fallout from them, it seems like we are in a reactive state of cybersecurity today. Will that always be the case? If not, what does the future of government cybersecurity look like? At our event, Evolving Tactics to Combat the Cyber Threat, MarkRead… Read more »