
It’s Not A Popularity Contest… Or Is It?

The government is faced with a conundrum. It’s unpopular and unattractive for emerging cybersecurity professionals. Unfortunately, the government has been the subject of many recent hacks. On top of this, federal agencies have a great deal of information and services that hackers want to gain access to. So, the government needs more and better cybersecurityRead… Read more »

Supporting Insider Threat Identification with Continuous Monitoring

The following interview with Chris LaPoint, Group Vice President of Product Management at SolarWinds, is an excerpt from our recent guide, Securing Government: Lessons from the Cyber Frontlines. In this guide, we review five tactics government organizations are using to enhance their cybersecurity. The risk of insider threats isn’t anything new – recent breaches like WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden’sRead… Read more »

Continuous Monitoring Must Include Continuous Sharing

It’s hard to manage what you don’t measure. We’ve all heard the saying in various contexts, but this is especially true on the cyber front. In fiscal 2014, agencies reported spending $3.8 billion to monitor federal networks for internal and external malicious cyber activity and another $3.1 billion to detect, analyze and mitigate intrusions, accordingRead… Read more »

Cyber Trends & Strategies You Need To Know

Cybersecurity is an inescapable and urgent priority for everyone. No matter what sector you’re in or what device you’re using, securing your information and network is critical. To help keep you in the cyber loop, GovLoop’s 4th Annual Government Innovators Virtual Summit hosted the session: Cybersecurity Trends and Strategies You Need To Know. During thisRead… Read more »

Join GovLoop’s Government Innovators Virtual Summit — Today!

GovLoop’s 4th Annual Government Innovators Virtual Summit is helping you piece together the government tech puzzle. Join us today, April 22nd, from 10:00AM/7AM PT to 5PM/2PM PT to get real tips to tackle some of government’s biggest challenges. We know turning your data into meaningful information can lead to big changes, but how do you actually make senseRead… Read more »

Crafting Holistic Insider Threat Protection

The following interview with Prem Jadhwani, Chief Technology Officer of Government Acquisitions, Inc, is an excerpt from our recent guide, Securing Government: Lessons from the Cyber Frontlines. In this guide, we review five tactics government organizations are using to enhance their cybersecurity. In addition to risking national security, insider threats are a serious vulnerability to intellectual property and classified information.Read… Read more »

Cybersecurity: No More Rumors

Hacks are no laughing matter. The U.S. government and the American population have lost billions of dollars as a result of IT system hacks. The threats come from all angles – insiders, thieves, terrorists, and your run-of-the-mill bad guys. Cybersecurity is not just a national issue – it’s a national battle. And it’s certainly beenRead… Read more »

Say What? Congress Works Together for Cyber

Everyday, cyberthreats are growing in number and sophistication. As each new exploit is exposed, it leads one to wonder what else is vulnerable in the federal government’s vast network architecture. And with limited resources and trained personnel, it is increasingly difficult for government to keep up with the advanced capabilities of cyber adversaries. In response,Read… Read more »

Taking the risk out of your tax refund process

Written by Neli Coleman, Director of Product Management for Experian Public Sector According to a May 2014 Governing Institute research study of 129 state and local government officials, 43 percent of respondents cited identity theft as the biggest challenge their agency is facing regarding tax-return fraud. Nationwide, stealing identities and filing for tax refunds has become oneRead… Read more »

The Cybersecurity Landscape of Government

Cybersecurity is one of the most talked about topics in government these days. That’s great, because it means we are finally focusing efforts on collecting massive amounts of data on the threat, impact, and response of cyber efforts. Nevertheless, the deluge of information being generated about cyberthreats and government security tactics can be overwhelming. WhatRead… Read more »