
Certificate Authentication is Vulnerable

When cracking passwords becomes as difficult as cracking keys, then passwords will be secure. When it comes to security implementations, there is a big difference between the theoretical and the practical. In the theoretical world all algorithms work flawlessly, there are no infrastructure vulnerabilities, and security protects against every attack. However, in the real worldRead… Read more »

Is Federal Information Security Better or Worse off Than a Year Ago?

That’s the question (ISC)2, a nonprofit education and certification organization, posed to more than 1,800 federal security professionals for its 2015 global workforce study. Nearly half of those surveyed — 47 percent — said government information security has not improved. A small but growing number of professionals —17 percent — said federal security is worseRead… Read more »

Building Security into Agency Performance

This interview with Gene Stromecki, Federal Sales Specialist, and Dmitriy Ayrapetov, Project Manager at Dell SonicWALL is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide, Securing Government: Lessons from the Cyber Frontlines. In this guide, we review five tactics government organizations are using to enhance their cybersecurity. The IT landscape is more interconnected and complex than ever before. The increasing number of initiativesRead… Read more »

Get ready for the super federal CIO

More than 20 years ago, then-Sen. William S. Cohen issued an investigative report billed as “Computer Chaos: Billions Wasted on Federal Computer Systems.” That report spurred the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996, which created the role of agency chief information officers in the hopes of improving how government spends billions of dollars on information technology. InRead… Read more »

Reprioritizing to Enhance Cyber Capabilites

The following post is an interview with Bob Lentz, Member of FireEye’s Board of Directors, President of Cybersecurity Strategies, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Cyber, Information, and Identity Assurance. It is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide, Securing Government: Lessons from the Cyber Frontlines.  Though government spending on cybersecurity continues to increase, manyRead… Read more »

Schlepping Through Cybersecurity Hiring

For cybersecurity workforce hiring in state governments, it’s hurdle upon hurdle. The challenges keep emerging, and states have to constantly keep up with the difficult terrain. The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) recently released a study on the challenges facing state government IT workforces. The report highlights findings from survey data collectedRead… Read more »

Your Cybersecurity Cheat Sheet

Unless you have an advanced degree in cybersecurity, you might be a little confused by all of the techy lingo used to define the threats to government information. How is an advanced persistent threat different from a regular threat? Is phishing what your dad makes you do on camping trips? Isn’t a troll just a mythicalRead… Read more »

“No One Patches A Light Bulb”

57% attendees at our webinar, Staying Secure and Connected: The Power of IoE, on Thursday said they didn’t know the different between the Internet of Things and the Internet of Everything. This isn’t surprising. I didn’t completely know the difference, but now I do. Our speakers Tom Millar, Chief of Communications at the US Computer EmergencyRead… Read more »

It’s Not A Popularity Contest… Or Is It?

The government is faced with a conundrum. It’s unpopular and unattractive for emerging cybersecurity professionals. Unfortunately, the government has been the subject of many recent hacks. On top of this, federal agencies have a great deal of information and services that hackers want to gain access to. So, the government needs more and better cybersecurityRead… Read more »