
“Hello, My Name Is…and I Am Afraid of Being Hacked.”

For the first time since I became an internet user (1998), I admit that I am afraid of being hacked, and apparently, I am not alone. According to Reuters, U.S. citizens fear having their credit cards, computers, or smartphones hacked more than any other crimes.[1] Six years ago, I planned our Florida destination wedding entirelyRead… Read more »

How to Protect Your Agency’s Social Media from Hackers

On January 12, a group claiming to be connected to ISIS hacked the Twitter and YouTube accounts of U.S. Central Command, also known as CENTCOM. If the military can be hacked, is your agency’s social media vulnerable to a hacker attack? How can your agency protect itself on social media? The hack of CENTCOM’s socialRead… Read more »

The Importance of Integrating Your Cyber Solutions

The following blog post is an excerpt from a recent GovLoop guide: Your Cybersecurity Crash Course. We solicited the GovLoop community to learn their top cyber challenges and, in the report, we answer 12 of their most pressing cyber questions. Cybersecurity professionals are being challenged like never before. They are operating in a rapidly evolving cyber landscape, whichRead… Read more »

“We Have to Shift Towards Resiliency”: Cybersecurity Trends for the Federal Government

2014 may as well have been called the Year of the Hackers. Massive security breaches at both private and public sector organizations — everyone from Target to – the U.S. Postal service — shattered citizens’ expectations about the state of their personal information and data. But the view of cybersecurity may finally be changing forRead… Read more »

The Confidentiality of Email

If you’re like me you felt the same sense of relief in response to the recent media reports of cybersecurity breaches as you felt the last time you joined a line of rubberneckers creeping past a fender-bender on the other side of the highway. At least it’s not me. Cyber attackers routinely go after internalRead… Read more »

Your Two Keys to Robust Cyber Defense

The following blog post is an excerpt from a recent GovLoop guide: Your Cybersecurity Crash Course. We solicited the GovLoop community to learn their top cyber challenges. In the report, we answer 12 of their most pressing cyber questions. In a rapidly expanding cyber landscape, agencies must ensure they have deployed the right IT solutions to spot commonRead… Read more »

5 Public Sector Priorities for the New Year: #1 Strengthen Cybersecurity

Happy New Year everyone…now let’s get down to business. This is the first of a five part series on top priorities for government agencies in calendar year 2015. Please note the issues being addressed in this series are by no means exhaustive. Rather, they reflect a sampling of the many challenges facing government at allRead… Read more »

A Brief History of the Joint Information Environment

The Joint Information Environment (JIE) is an unbelievably ambitious yet necessary DoD initiative. Earlier, we shared a few statistics about the size and scale of the department’s IT shop, but here’s some additional context: DoD hosts more than 6,000 locations, supports 40 agencies and manages about 3.7 million people with cyber identity credentials. If those statisticsRead… Read more »

Playing Capture the Flag in the Digital Age

Sony was recently subject to one of the biggest hacks in history. The breach has led to the release of over 40,000 nonemployees’ Social Security numbers. This includes former employees and actors, dating as far back as 1984. This was in addition to the 6,500 current identities lost — and the hackers obtained several unreleasedRead… Read more »