
The Evolving Needs of the Federal Government to Reduce Cyber Risk

By Stephanie Sullivan, Consultant The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is developing a framework to reduce cyber risks to critical infrastructure as part of the Executive Order 13636. As part of the development process working groups have been formulated to gather feedback from industry and relevant stakeholders regarding the development of the frameworkRead… Read more »

3 Threats to Keeping Data Secure

In a fast-moving digital world that we are currently living in, our data and information is constantly at risk of being exposed or compromised. For government agencies, maintaining strict governance policies and educating users is essential. Government agencies collect a variety of data on citizens, from the day we are born and throughout our entireRead… Read more »

DOJ’s Technology Needs –Analytics, Information Sharing, Big Data, and More

by Tomas O’Keefe, Senior Analyst The Department of Justice’s response to the Boston Marathon bombings was notable for how quickly the Department and its components, particularly the FBI, identified, tracked, and apprehended the suspects. One of the ways the FBI was able to quickly identify suspects is due to advanced analytics, but another important elementRead… Read more »

How the NSA could get so smart so fast? – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: 10 years ago the role of the Chief Information Officer was radically different than it is today. Consider this, in 2013 the federal government will spend more than $80 billion on IT. That’s no easy task. So how do they do it effectively? And is the role going to continue toRead… Read more »

A New Approach to Cybersecurity Across Agencies – the Administration’s Progress Report

This article was originally posted by Dan Chenok on the IBM Center for the Business of Government blog. Last week, the Obama Administration released its latest set of reports on government performance toward achieving many high-priority goals, within and across agencies. As the Center has written previously, public presentation on this topic focuses on outcomesRead… Read more »

3 Lessons Learned for Successful Mobile Adoption

Mobile in government continues to be one of the most pertinent topics facing public sector administrators. The Pew Internet & American Life Project reports, “As of December 2012, 87% of American adults have a cell phone, and 45% have a smartphone. As of January 2013, 26% of American adults own an e-book reader, and 31%Read… Read more »

Have the Chinese Hacked our Weapons Systems? – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: It was the the tweet heard around the country: “CAPTURED!!! The hunt is over. The search is done. The terror is over. And justice has won. Suspect in custody.” Meet the man behind the Twitter field Deputy Daley. Click here for the full recap. The SEVEN stories that impact your lifeRead… Read more »

Grant Thornton-TechAmerica Survey: Budget, Human Capital Top Agency CIO Concerns

Budget and human capital are the top two areas of concern within the federal chief information officer community as CIOs grapple with sequestration cuts and other budget reductions, according to a TechAmerica-commissioned survey. Grant Thornton helped the trade association conduct the survey and also spoke with other top IT officials at agencies, large programs andRead… Read more »