
Peering into our Crystal Ball — 2013 Tech Trends Unveiled

It’s hard to peer into a crystal ball and predict what will be the top trends for government technology, but that’s exactly what the experts at IDC Insights have done. Thom Rubel is the Vice President for Research at IDC Government Insights. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that 2013 will be anRead… Read more »

Technology and the Next 4 Years

I would add “transparency”, and “Medical IT”… Would also offer that the Fiscal Cliff is going to have a significant impact on EVERYTHING governmental From 5 big tech issues await Obama in second term (CNN) — Technology policy didn’t get much air time in the 2012 presidential election, but the Obama administration will faceRead… Read more »

4 Years of Tech Challenges — Are We Really Moving Forward?

4 years in any technology cycle is a lifetime. Think about this – 4 years ago BYOD wasn’t even a possibility and tablets still seemed like a dream. So how can the government keep up? And more importantly how can the government utilize the latest and greatest technology to support its mission? Molly O’Neill isRead… Read more »

The Election could Re-Write Cyber Org Charts, New Rules of Cyberwar (Post-Stuxnet) and more

By RyanKamauff Here are today’s top cyber news and stories. While most are looking at the financial, socio-economic and national defense ramifications of the election, Nextgov takes a look the cyber ramifications of the election – Many federal leaders are political appointees, especially in the cyber realm. When the fallout from this election clears, weRead… Read more »

Mobile Malware and Future Threats

By JonathanTabb had an excellent article last week about Mobile Malware and it got me thinking about future computer threats a little. Let’s see where my mind went: Mobile devices far outrank traditional computers and the gap is only growing. The Wired article points to only one of the problems with this, the lackRead… Read more »

Is the United States Militarizing Cyberspace?

By SeanLawson Though cybersecurity has been a concern for decades, we have seen an uptick of concern during the last four years. The Obama administration has made the issue a priority. Early in his term, the President gave a speech on the subject and the next month the Secretary of Defense announced the creation ofRead… Read more »

Are State Sponsored Hacktivists the Real Cyber Threat? Innovators?

Cyberspace has fundamentally transformed the global economy. It’s transformed our way of life, providing two billion people across the world with instant access to information to communication, to economic opportunities. And yet, with these possibilities, also come new perils and new dangers. The Internet is open. It’s highly accessible, as it should be. But thatRead… Read more »

Security Policy Changes for Today’s Threat Environment

In 2012, the number of smartphone users will reach 106.7 million with 94% of these users accessing the mobile internet. With employees accessing all kinds of information on multiple devices, agencies are presented with numerous challenges including, cyber attacks, which continue to be a challenge for IT departments on restricted budgets. In the BYOD era,Read… Read more »

The Real State of Cybersecurity: DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Two years ago the Knight Foundation launched their Tech for Engagement Initiative. The idea was simple, they wanted to answer the question, can technology accelerate the capacity of citizens within a community to engage in their civic life in an easier and more effective way? Click here for the full recap.Read… Read more »