
Cyber Offense, Defense, and Economics

The Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA)–known for its assessments of the precision-strike revolution and work on Air Sea Battle–is tackling the intellectual challenge of cyber strategy. Its new report, Cyber Warfare: A ‘Nuclear’ Option? has not gotten much play in the blogosphere but has a number of interesting ideas. CSBA challenges dogmas onRead… Read more »

Holograms for the Intelligence Community, White House Mandates Digitization, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Air Force issued a broad agency announcement for concept papers to develop its Cyberspace Warfare Operations focusing on offensive capabilities. More here. The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity is looking to develop holographic imagery and data displays. More here. The Federal CIO Council released recommendationsRead… Read more »

Feds May Get Paid for BYOD, DARPA Presents Inexpensive, Squishy, Camouflaging Robots, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: U.S. Cyber Command recently conducted a tactical-level exercise called Cyber Guard where it collaborated with subject matter experts from the National Security Agency, the National Guard, the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. More here. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency demonstratedRead… Read more »

Unmanned Helicopter Reconnaissance Squadron One, Malware Campaign Against the Defense Industry, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Navy is establishing Unmanned Helicopter Reconnaissance Squadron One (HUQ-1) effective October 1, 2012. More here. The Office of Management and Budget released an updated report stating that 318 data centers have been closed since 2010, 50 of them May. More here. The Defense Information SystemsRead… Read more »

INSA Cyber Innovation Symposium 26 September 2012

The Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA), a great group of US national security professionals, is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit, private sector organization which provides a forum for thought leadership, idea generation, information sharing and networking. Members include many individuals with national security backgrounds and over 150 corporate members from some of our nation’s greatest firmsRead… Read more »

Securing Government Desktops from Cyber Threats with the Latest KVM Technology

Cyber attacks on government systems are increasing at an exponential rate. Over a three-year period, government agencies reported a 400-percent increase in attempted incursions into federal systems. While there is no current data on the number of attempts to compromise intelligence and defense computer systems, they are no doubt under similar stress as foreign governments,Read… Read more »

DARPA’s Robot Worm, DISA’s Host-Based Security System, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency supported researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, and Seoul National University to create Meshworm, a crawling autonomous soft robot that could one day be used for reconnaissance. More here. The Federal Bureau of Investigation warns of theRead… Read more »

Updated NIST Computer Security Guidance, NASA Cybersecurity, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: Customs and Border Protection plans to purchase an outside computer program to track aircraft inventories despite Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s call to use existing capabilities. More here. The National Institute of Standards and Technology has published its updated guide to handling computer security incidents. MoreRead… Read more »

New Head of FBI Cyber Branch, Military Honors Database, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: A hacking organization known for high profile attacks on government and government contracting targets including in the United States has been linked to the Chinese army. More here. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has named Richard McFeely, who previously served as special agent in charge ofRead… Read more »