
From Regulation to Collaboration – the Next Wave for Cybersecurity?

The President issued the Cybersecurity Executive Order during his State of the Union earlier this month. But some say the Executive Order doesn’t go far enough. “The Executive Order was unprecedented and very wanted, but it is inherently limited in what it can do. The Executive Order can only tell the entities that are partRead… Read more »

Did the SOTU Usher in a New Cybersecurity Frontier?

The President unveiled his long awaited Executive Order to improve the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure during the State of the Union. It’s the first step in creating a more structured and standardized cybersecurity response. But how will it actually work? And will industry be able to work alongside government? Trey Hodgkins is the Vice PresidentRead… Read more »

We Need to Talk: Increasing Communication Between the Public and Private Sectors

Today I attended the first event of NextGov’s Cybersecurity Series. I originally went expecting to learn more about the nitty gritty details of potential cybersecurity legislation but instead I learned about a much wider issue concerning how our society runs. Here at GovLoop we try to connect the federal employees with the private sector employeesRead… Read more »

White House doubles down on Cybersecurity – Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: 2012 was a banner year for the Thrift Savings Plan. Funds across the board saw marked improvements. But do you know what each fund actually does? Insights from the TSP’s Kim Weaver. But up front: Cybersecurity The New York Times reports today that the Obama administration is seeking broad powers toRead… Read more »

Managing Internal Threats

By InfoSec Institute The number of annual security incidents caused by insider threats continues to increase. In The CERT Guide to Insider Threats, Capelli et al writes, “Insider threats are an intriguing and complex problem. Some assert that they are the most significant threat faced by organizations today.” Disgruntled system administrators damage data and systems,Read… Read more »

When plagiarism isn’t a bad thing: Cybersecurity

As a journalist, a college student a writer by trade, i’ve been filled with the horrors of plagiarism. So when I heard Henry Sienkiewicz tell the crowd gathered at the Keys to Next Generation Security Operations conference that not only is plagiarism ok, it’s encouraged when it comes to cybeersecurity, i was shocked. Sienkiewicz isRead… Read more »

Tech Evolves Quickly – Are CIOs Able to Keep Up?

The pace of technology is unbelievably fast. Tablets, mobile and big data are all transforming the technology world. But cybersecurity experts and chief information officers are struggling to keep up. Anne Reed is the President of Anne Reed Consulting. She is also the former CIO at the USDA. She recently won the prestigious Janice K.Read… Read more »

Top 10 Priorities for State CIOs

What are the key critical issues facing state CIOs? The National Association of State Chief InformationOfficers have unveiled their survey of state and local government CIO’s. They asked them one simple question – what is your biggest challenge? Eric Sweden is the Program Director for Enterprise Architecture & Governance at NASCIO. He told Chris DorobekRead… Read more »

Physical and Cyber Infrastructure Protection Working Together

Can a “whole of nation” approach be the answer to the increasing connectivity of physical and cyber infrastructure protection? Hear insights from DHS experts Suzanne Spaulding, Deputy Under Secretary, National Protection and Programs Directorate and Mark Weatherford, Deputy Under Secretary for Cybersecurity, National Protection and Programs Directorate as they discuss DHS programs in recognition ofRead… Read more »

Peering into our Crystal Ball — 2013 Tech Trends Unveiled

It’s hard to peer into a crystal ball and predict what will be the top trends for government technology, but that’s exactly what the experts at IDC Insights have done. Thom Rubel is the Vice President for Research at IDC Government Insights. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that 2013 will be anRead… Read more »