
Hackers and Honeypots: Getting Things Done

It’s always been fashionable in the cybersecurity industry to throw up our hands and call cyber crime an intractable problem. We don’t have the technical skills to match hackers, attribution is impossible in cyberspace, we don’t have the legal framework for Internet crimes, or international cooperation is insufficient to go after the shadowy, transnational cabalRead… Read more »

Stuxnet Leak Investigation, NASA Developing Flight Software For Deep-Space Missions, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Federal Bureau of Investigation has launched an investigation into who leaked information on U.S. involvement in Stuxnet. More here. A federal judge estimates that the number of secret electronic surveillance orders issued each year is 30,000 and growing. More here. Major General Jaap Willemse saidRead… Read more »

The Strongest Tribe: Issues of power in cyberspace

Mikko Hypponen has a mea culpa about Flame that is worth reading. The F-Secure chief believes that antivirus companies, including his own, failed to detect Flame and that this failure has broader implications: The truth is, consumer-grade antivirus products can’t protect against targeted malware created by well-resourced nation-states with bulging budgets. They can protect youRead… Read more »

How Cyberpunk Killed Cybersecurity

This post is cowritten by AdamElkus and Alex Olesker. Before we begin, please understand just how hard it is for us to write this blog. I’ve read Neuromancer countless times, enthusiastically used Snow Crash in undergrad to talk about the future of international relations, and watched both Ghost in the Shell movies and the StandRead… Read more »

The US and Israel Tied to Stuxnet, The Navy Seeks to Tame Big Data, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: President Obama ordered to accelerate a campaign of cyberattacks against started by President Bush and code-named Olympic Games including the U.S. and Israeli developed Stuxnet. More here. The Department of Energy missed 500 data centers managed by contractors when it took inventory in July, 2011. MoreRead… Read more »

Private Sector Implications of Operation Olympic Games

The New York Times revealed today what many experts had already asserted regarding the United States role in the Stuxnet attack. While speculation of U.S. involvement complicated international relations on cyber conflict, an acknowledgement of U.S. involvement in a forum such as the New York Times heralds in a brave new world of cyber conflict.Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: June 01, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Who’s Online and What Are They Doing? The Next Web reports on an IAB Europe study finding that 427 million Europeans are now online, and 37% uses more than one device. Meanwhile, The HowTo.Gov blog writes about how all internet users spend thier time online: 22% on social networking, 21% on searches, andRead… Read more »

Qualifying a “Cyber Arms Race”

Several recent pieces have looked at the prospects for a “cyberwarfare arms race” and a “cyber warfare gap” concerning the US, China, Russia, and other nations with an interest in offensive cyber capabilities and doctrines. Beyond the endemic refusal to distinguish between computer network attacks and computer network exploitation, there is a larger problem loomingRead… Read more »

123,000 Federal Social Security Numbers Stolen, $755 for Homeland Security Cyber, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The State Department purchased anti-Al Qaeda ads on affiliate websites to counter their message and did not, as initial reports claim, hack the Al Qaeda sites. More here. The WikiBoat, a new hacking group, launched its operation #OpNewSon which aims to breach and take down theRead… Read more »