
Cyber Vetting for Security Clearances

The Electronic Freedom Foundation recently obtained information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding a June 2009 report of a study sponsored by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) on the use of Cyber Vetting for security clearance purposes. The study involved 349 test cases of intelligence agency applicants who consented toRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: Henry Brown

I am currently employed as a Security Analyst for Office of Personnel Management 1.What was your path to public service/current job? I spent 15 years in the military, before I decided that money was one of the more important things in my life (was trying to raise a family on E-6 pay in theRead… Read more »

Help Wanted: U.S. Needs Cybersecurity Experts and Fast!

Our friends at Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) recently issued a study called “A Human Capital Crisis in Cybersecurity,” that highlights how the United States is facing a chronic shortage in the quality and quantity of its cybersecurity experts. As such, the nation unprepared to defend itself against increasingly sophisticated online attacks. TheRead… Read more »

Privacy, Profit, and Innovation

Give us your cookies, your browser history, your torrid search queries, yearning to breathe free. (Sorry, Emma.) That’s the deepest desire of online marketers, and it is thanks to them that we have so much content and so many applications available to us free, online, every day. Our data is valuable, but not in itselfRead… Read more »

The Darwinian Challenge of Cybersecurity

(Note: This blog comes from DLT Solutions CTO Van Ristau and The DLT Blog) The adaptive nature of threats to information security has proven to be one of the greatest challenges to personal, business, and government adoption of computing in general, and communication of digital information over the public Internet, in particular. Today we areRead… Read more »

The Future of Federal IT Spending

(Note this Blog is written by Rick Marcotte, CEO of DLT Solutions and comes from A recently published and well-read blog in this sector recently disclosed that government contractors surveyed by Grant Thornton LLP experienced revenue boosts from federal business during the past year. Here are a couple of thoughts on why that mightRead… Read more »

Facebook and Twitter Can Endanger Your Security Clearance Health

On the Homeland Security Watch blog earlier today, an article was reposted concerning the use of popular social networking tools and their possible endangering of a professional’s security clearance. Here is my response: Yes, professionals with security clearances have many concerns when it comes to maintaining their clearances. These are professionals who we have entrustedRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conf Tweets – Symantec Government Symposium (#symgovsym)

This conference was held June 16, 2009 in Washington, DC. Below are the Twitter-related statistics for the conference along with the stream: Top Contributors 1. @gkrew – 47 2. @dslunceford – 17 3. @lpamelaa – 17 4. @symantecnews – 8 5. @krazykriz – 7 6. @JMGOVIT – 7 7. @jjesse – 6 8. @wamurray –Read… Read more »