Edge Computing Raises Ransomware Risk
Agencies could pay a steep price, literally, if they do not secure the growing volume of data at the edge of the network.
Agencies could pay a steep price, literally, if they do not secure the growing volume of data at the edge of the network.
In this Q&A interview, Connecticut Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Jeff Brown explains what zero trust security is and how it can help agencies.
Network visibility can help agencies view every part of their hybrid cloud environments by mixing the right activities and tools together in one platform.
There is no “quick fix” to the government’s cyber challenges, but four recent initiatives could help chart a new course for improving the nation’s cybersecurity.
When it comes to mobile security, agencies often think in terms of the device or network — and overlook the risks associated with mobile apps.
“If you’re going to embrace hybrid work, you need to now view it as a permanent, and not just a temporary, solution.”
State and local cybersecurity experts want employees to better understand one thing: “All it takes is one click to open up an incident.”
What’s the spending strategy here? Simply this: A culture that values innovation seeks solutions for smarter ways to work
The infrastructure bills represent a huge opportunity for once-in-a-generation change for the greater good. Let’s do everything we can to do it securely.
Many people have either seen too many headlines about attacks, or they still feel embarrassed about falling for last month’s phishing email.