A CISO’s 365 Days Journey – Part 2
This is Part 2 of the four-part series about a Chief Information Security Officer’s initial 365 days. I will focus on and emphasize the importance of risk here.
This is Part 2 of the four-part series about a Chief Information Security Officer’s initial 365 days. I will focus on and emphasize the importance of risk here.
The national spotlight on personal security (PerSec) breaches and vulnerabilities isn’t likely to dim anytime soon. Using a case management solution that maps its workflows to federal and agency-specific guidelines maximizes efficiency.
For scores of agencies, today’s threat landscape can change too fast for their workforces. Threat intelligence adds the context agencies need by focusing on the latest threats in real time.
Even if legacy systems still do the job, modern systems offer so much more. Think about the difference between an old flip phone and a new smartphone.
Responsible for carrying out the election were not just poll workers and election officials, but thousands of IT staffers around the country who defended against cyberattacks.
Discover the advantages and disadvantages of how you combine different factors. If you still think a password plus an SMS text code is MFA, you really need to read this article!
Before I can demonstrate the ultimate way to secure passwords and password management, I need to first discuss the truth about MFA.
Zero trust can dramatically elevate agencies’ cyberdefenses from their legacy security architectures. And industry expert shared three ways agencies can stop lateral cyberattacks.
Authentication factors don’t govern security; the authentication infrastructure determines security. So what’s with all the “killing passwords” talk?
Agencies that don’t speak the same language as their employees and employees that don’t speak the same language as their agency leaders will find themselves constantly fighting cybersecurity fires.