What You Need To Know About Multi-Factor Authentication (Part 2)
Discover the advantages and disadvantages of how you combine different factors. If you still think a password plus an SMS text code is MFA, you really need to read this article!
Discover the advantages and disadvantages of how you combine different factors. If you still think a password plus an SMS text code is MFA, you really need to read this article!
Before I can demonstrate the ultimate way to secure passwords and password management, I need to first discuss the truth about MFA.
Zero trust can dramatically elevate agencies’ cyberdefenses from their legacy security architectures. And industry expert shared three ways agencies can stop lateral cyberattacks.
Authentication factors don’t govern security; the authentication infrastructure determines security. So what’s with all the “killing passwords” talk?
Agencies that don’t speak the same language as their employees and employees that don’t speak the same language as their agency leaders will find themselves constantly fighting cybersecurity fires.
It’s an understatement to say that a data breach is devastating to a company’s future, its employees, its management and its customers. Sadly, it’s the virtual front door often left unsecured and open to everyone that’s the culprit.
The first 90 days are crucial for establishing credibility as a chief information security officer, or CISO, at an agency.
As government agencies move more sensitive workloads to the cloud, they also need to achieve security and compliance requirements.
“There isn’t a big data silver bullet. You have to tie together the infrastructure, systems and security with a flexible analytical framework.”
Agencies can’t protect all systems and data equally. They need to protect things most significant to them through a zero-trust model.