Inside the Federal Cyber Reskilling Academy
The Federal Cyber Reskilling Academy aims to train government employees for cybersecurity vacancies across federal agencies by teaching them new skills.
The Federal Cyber Reskilling Academy aims to train government employees for cybersecurity vacancies across federal agencies by teaching them new skills.
Data loss prevention can bring productivity to a halt, especially in an environment where there are more drivers of data than ever.
Cloud technology can be beneficial to any government agency — but only if your team is prepared to overcome the challenges.
The federal government’s growing dependence on the Internet of Things (IoT) has led to increased security concerns among federal IT professionals. And some of the most lethal hacks have come from nearly undetectable attacks that leverage connected devices to create havoc. Over the past few years, several critical cybersecurity frameworks have been introduced to helpRead… Read more »
The mission requirement, and overall sensitivity of federal data, necessitate more thought than just placing data in a public cloud.
Federal government security has reached an inflection point – and not one that has resulted in a decline of data attacks.
Smart investments today are key to achieving stable footing and maximizing cybersecurity for the future. As you consider the risks and opportunities ahead, artificial intelligence (AI) offers real potential to strengthen cybersecurity operations and defend computer networks.
With the escalating adoption of bandwidth-hungry SaaS applications, agencies must rethink their WAN strategies and how they can deliver modern capabilities.
Moving to the cloud is one way agencies are transforming. But as different instances of cloud get set up across agencies, siloes are created, and a holistic approach to security can become nearly impossible.
Government security personnel need to shift their thinking from “tough, battle-hardened” warriors, to knowing how to simply “make our beds”. What does that look like? The following processes are rooted in security basics, but need not be complicated.