
API strategy

4 Cyber Advancements to Know

Cybersecurity is a vast and varied field for government, especially when you consider budget and workforce shortages that can further strain cyber teams. However, many agencies are stepping up to the challenge and finding innovative ways to address cyberthreats. Broadly, there are four major cyber advancements we see across government.


Cybersecurity is All of Our Jobs. Here’s How to Stay Safe in Government

It is true that increased sophistication of certain cyberattacks require equally serious emergency preparedness. But let’s not make it so easy for cyber criminals to take advantage of us by following a few simple guidelines to protect ourselves and the public organizations we work for.

Strengthening Security Through State and Local Partnerships

This article is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent report titled “Your Guide to Key Advancements in Government Cybersecurity.” Download the full report here. A cyberthreat against one is a cyberthreat against all, especially for state and local governments. They are increasingly uniting against their common enemies to boost their mutual cybersecurity postures. And the foes areRead… Read more »

Cary CIO Talks Smart Cities, Cybersecurity, Recruiting

In recent years, Cary, NC has been gearing up to become the world’s next smart city, going as far as turning their Town Hall campus into a smart “mini-city,” complete with smart parking, traffic management, citizen engagement and more. Nicole Raimundo, Cary’s CIO, is at the center of this push.