
Why Security Standards Matter for All Government Devices

In this age of rapid technological innovation, organizations face many obstacles to ensuring cybersecurity. The rise of internet-connected devices is just one thing that’s forced agencies to rethink in 2018 how they secure technologies and their related endpoints that operate on their networks.

Maintaining Agility Without Sacrificing Security

As government agencies increasingly turn to SecOps, they are also turning to the cloud and seeking the assistance of commercial cloud service providers to successfully migrate their platforms. Agency leaders will also need to continue refining security-based techniques to lower their risk profiles. More importantly, agencies should view cloud adoption as an extension of their… Read more »

Cybersecurity Takes a Village

It truly takes a village to conquer cybersecurity in government. There is no one person, role, department, or even organization that can execute a flawless cybersecurity strategy all on their own. The reality that gov faces is that cyberthreats are constantly growing in complexity and frequency, which means all agencies and all personnel need toRead… Read more »