What Do the NIST Special Publication 800-53 Updates Mean for You?
Here’s what you need to know about NIST’s update to Special Publication 800-53.
Here’s what you need to know about NIST’s update to Special Publication 800-53.
The human factor is very important to avoid or stop ransomeware attacks.
Government must keep pace with accelerating change while supporting a workforce that does not change very fast, according to Maj. Gen. Sarah Zabel. The focus then is how do agencies increase cyber awareness among all employees — even their security experts.
Learn how open source solutions allow agencies to balance security and efficiency when designing and using their IT systems.
A new cyber executive order signed by President Donald Trump on Thursday makes clear that the heads of government agencies will be held accountable for managing security risks across their organizations.
Cybersecurity is critical in government, but defending against evolving threats is extremely difficult for agencies. In GovLoop’s recent online training, three experts discussed how to use threat hunting to better understand hackers targeting your agency and protect against them.
Learn how network automation could better secure your agency IT infrastructure and help administrators efficiently comply with requirements.
Learn how IT professionals in government are leveraging integrated platforms to keep systems secure and user friendly by focusing on protecting information, user profiles, web browsing, and email messaging.
Everything you need to know about the basics of cybersecurity.
Innovation and security are two words you usually don’t hear in the same sentence — especially in government. But GovLoop heard from several agencies that are reaping the benefits of innovative technologies like cloud, while making security a priority.