
You’re Hired! Cyber Pros Needed!

In the wake of countless breaches, state chief information officers (CIOs) are attempting to hire a more robust cybersecurity staff. But it’s not easy. One of the major stumbling blocks is the lack of talented cyber professionals-this is especially true at the state and local level.  Historically, CIOs have typically been viewed as the managersRead… Read more »

When Security and Speed Are Aligned

This interview is an excerpt from our recent guide, 30 Government Innovations That Mattered in 2015 which examines 30 government case studies that explore innovation at all levels of government. Innovations that spanned the government job spectrum from human resources to cybersecurity and back again. Security and speed are generally concepts that are incongruous for the publicRead… Read more »

Three Centerpieces to Strengthen Your Organization’s Cybersecurity

When it comes to cybersecurity, organizations can’t afford to have a Superman complex – aka, believing they’ll never suffer from a cyberbreach. You’re not invincible, and whether you work for federal, state, or local government or a small or large corporation, you can fall victim to a cyberattack. And with cyberattacks occurring with great frequencyRead… Read more »

2015 – A Year In Connected Security

This interview is an excerpt from our recent guide, 30 Government Innovations That Mattered in 2015 which examines 30 government case studies that explore innovation at all levels of government. Innovations that spanned the government job spectrum from human resources to cybersecurity and back again. The largest cyber breach in the his­tory of government sawRead… Read more »

From A-Z – Security Made Whole

“Cybersecurity isn’t just an issue for leaders in the “big boy seats, but rather, for everyone using the Internet,” said Peter Singer, author of  Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know and a Brookings Fellow. Gone are the days when cybersecurity was just an information technology problem. In 2015 alone, eBay, LivingSocial, Adobe, Evernote,Read… Read more »

How to Prepare for the 2016 Presidential Transition

National security is always a priority for any administration. And this year cybersecurity was the primary agenda item. But it won’t stop at the end of 2015. The new President-elect will have to hit the ground running when it comes to addressing national security. In order to tackle the security question, it is crucial that government workRead… Read more »