Digital Government

Using the Digital Analytics Program in Federal Government

Government is creating and storing data at unimaginable rates. And within that data, there’s a wealth of information to glean. What citizens want, where operational waste exists, what type of fraud is being executed, and how services are being used are just a few of the insights hidden in this wealth of data. Yet many… Read more »

Interested in How MEGABYTE Impacts You?

With annual spend of over $6 billion through more than 42,000 separate transactions, software represents a significant IT investment for the Federal Government. Detailed findings published in a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report revealed that the vast majority of these purchases are decentralized, and that federal agencies lack the tools to manage these assets. AsRead… Read more »

Top Trends to Watch for Government in 2017

If 2016 taught us anything, it is that technology enables communication between government and the people it serves in such a powerful way. From elections and campaigning, to traditional government services, technology is changing the way government operates. Here are a few trends that get me excited about the year to come

Status of CAP Goals, Part 1: Customer Service

Improving customer service has been an off-and-on federal priority over a number of years. In fact, it is now more broadly referred to as “customer experience,” since research shows that “customer service” accounts for only a quarter of a customer’s overall satisfaction with their experience with a company or government agency.