The Role of Data Analytics in FITARA Implementation
This blog post is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide FITARA: What You Need to Know. Download the full guide here.
This blog post is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide FITARA: What You Need to Know. Download the full guide here.
As government communicators, we’re best serving the public when we’re thinking about our customers as smaller groups — defined, just for example, by geographic location, specific needs or languages spoken — and communicating directly with those groups. Simply put, our services are more impactful when our audiences are understood.
A June U.S. Government Accountability Office report on 18F and USDS revealed that the groups are making positive changes in government but must continue working to improve in the future.
Learn how private sector trends are being used to promote government innovation.
To best communicate technical or sensitive information to your audience, consider integrating video into your communications plans in a greater way.
Effective agencies take advantage of digital transformations, and embed solutions into the process—whether it’s employee recruitment, financial reporting, or budgeting.
We have the opportunity to actually transform both how government agencies use data to analyze performance and inform policy decisions, and for American citizens to have stronger evidence that holds their government accountable for the way it spends money.
Cities taking the first steps to turn great civic innovation ideas into reality during the 2016 #HackForChange.
Whatever the resource challenges or risks may be, it’s not only possible, but advisable to make communications a part of the plan. Because communicating effectively will enhance your ability to do the rest of your work successfully.
To understand the role of digital services, we first must understand what the term means. From there, we can understand how it transforms government.