Digital Government

Revolutionizing Customer Service with Microsoft

This is an excerpt from the recent Customer Service Playbook for Government. In the guide, we detail six plays to help you transform the way your agency serves its citizen users. Despite government investing more time, resources, and knowledge into their customer service initiatives, constituents still don’t seem to be fully satisfied. According to leadingRead… Read more »

Tips for Creating an Effective Brand

When you think of today’s top brands, which ones come to mind first? Maybe you think of Apple and its reputation for leading the world in innovative technology and beautifully designed products or Nike for inspiring and clothing today’s top athletes. Developing your brand is the single most important asset to an organization. “Brand isRead… Read more »

The Internet of Questions

Have you ever played the 21 Questions Game and sometimes felt like there aren’t enough questions to get the right answer? The Internet of Things (IoT) can have the same affect. IoT is a big technological system that allows machines to talk to other machines. Although, IoT has been around for decades in some form,Read… Read more »

How to Prepare Yourself for the Digital Age of Government

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a manual on all things life? You might even settle for a manual that helps you prepare for the digital age of government. Unfortunately, it does not exist – yet. However, there are experts out there like William Eggers who provide us with some tidbits about how toRead… Read more »

Twitter Chat 101: Hosting as a Government Agency

Twitter chats certainly aren’t the newest concept, but their popularity has been steadily growing over the past few years. As their popularity grows, companies, organizations and now government agencies are beginning to get in on the fun. But to run your own Twitter chat, you have to know how. And while there is a plethora… Read more »