Digital Government

Enterprise Government: How the Next Administration Can Better Serve Citizens

In 2017, the next administration will set to work implementing the goals and priorities of the new President. Many of those priorities won’t line up neatly with the agency structure of the federal government, and achieving them will require that agencies work together as an “enterprise government” — collaborating and integrating programs and activities to… Read more »

So Much Data, So Little Space

We have a lot of stuff and not a lot of room. We have had to maintain important documents, whether it be for tax purposes, health, or other reasons. At one point or another, you run out of folders to hold these documents and places to put all of the folders. Recently, however, we haveRead… Read more »

10x Public Administrators

In the tech industry, people speak of “10x” programmers, those who are ten times as productive as average. Who are the 10x public administrators? The 10 is figurative, since there is no agreed-upon quantification of productivity in programming or public administration. And in both fields productivity includes creativity, rather than grinding through a set process.Read… Read more »

How to Be a Leader in the Digital Transformation Era

Many of you may have noticed a shift in both your day-to-day lives, as well as your work environments. What used to be done with a paper and pen is now being done by electronic devices. Some of us may struggle with this new transition, but there are also people out there who have theRead… Read more »

Shutdowns, Furloughs, Strikes and Layoffs: Emergency Preparedness for the Government Worker

Whether it’s a federal government shutdown, planned furloughs, strikes or layoffs, having your income suddenly cut is the type of emergency faced more often by govies. Having some plans in place can get you through having your income drastically cut for a period of time as well as ease the anxiety that goes along with… Read more »

The “Slow Evolution” of IT

If you’re anything like me, you’re pretty overwhelmed with the never-ending commercials concerning the newest updates, systems, and innovations the IT world sends out. We are inundated with more and more. It seems the IT world is constantly evolving – but is that the reality? On December 18th, 2014 Christopher Dorobek sat down with aRead… Read more »