Digital Government

SharePoint: 5 Things You Should Know

When I walked into a breakout session titled “SharePoint: Best Practices,” at the 2015 Next Generation of Government Summit, I’m pretty sure I was the only person in the room who had no idea what SharePoint even was. But the Department of Defense’s Gary Cage and Christine Frost, alongside the FDIC’s Russell Maltempo gave meRead… Read more »

What’s Congress Doing To Affect Federal CX This Week?

Welcome to the second installment of this series on Congressional action that could impact federal customer experience (CX). As I said in my first post, the purpose of this series is to help federal CX advocates track bills that could impact federal CX. That way, we can suggest improvements, help good ideas become law, andRead… Read more »

Saving Millions And Buildings

GovLoop’s online social cast, Your Building Data is the Source of New Savings and Efficiencies for Energy, Operations & Space Management, sought to understand the ins and outs of smart buildings with an expert panel: • Steve Sakach, Assistant Commissioner, Office of Facilities Management, Public Buildings Service, General Services Administration • Don Coffelt, Associate ViceRead… Read more »

Medium: Is It The Perfect Fit for Government?

This week, the popular self-publishing platform Medium becomes officially available to federal agencies. Hold up. Medium is not just a publishing platform. It’s social media. It’s a community. It’s a writing tool. It’s a story distribution network. It’s a content management system, or CMS. It’s not a CMS. It’s journalism. It’s a blog. It’s a magazine. It’s a publication. It’s aRead… Read more »

The Promise of Design Thinking

“The desire to bring new ways of thinking into government is like an insurgency,” said Joshua Marcuse, Senior Advisory for Policy Innovation at DoD. One of those ways of thinking is design thinking, also called human-centered design (HCD). To learn more about design thinking, we spoke with Zvika Krieger, Director of the Strategy Lab atRead… Read more »

How the U.S. Digital Service Defines Success

Mikey Dickerson’s measure of success is simple. If the disability claims backlog isn’t a backlog, if open enrollment on goes well, and there are more immigration services online in the next 529 days, then his team has done its job. “By the fruits you will know this,” Dickerson said Monday at the Next GenerationRead… Read more »

Tools to Clean Your Data

GovLoop’s online training addressed the concept of “bad data” with a panel of experts: • Bobby Caudill, Global Industry Marketing, U.S. Public Sector, Informatica • Murthy Mathiprakasam, Principal Product Marketing Manager, Informatica • Lori Walsh, Chief, Center for Risk and Quantitative Analysis, U.S. Security and Exchange Commission Titled “Beware Bad Data”, this online training highlightedRead… Read more »

Mobile Livestreaming: The Next Social Frontier

By Josh Delung, ICF International Every day, it’s estimated between about 300 and 600 new apps launch in Apple’s App Store alone, not counting other storefronts such as the Google Play store for Android devices. There’s a similarly overwhelming deluge of social networking sites that seem to emerge for some new niche each week. It’sRead… Read more »

Silicon Valley: Give Gov a Digital Reboot

Attention Silicon Valley talent: “Uncle Sam” wants YOU! That is, to help reinvent government via mass digitalization of citizen-facing services across the sprawling federal bureaucracy. Several generations ago, in January 1961, President John F. Kennedy famously stated in his inaugural address: Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you canRead… Read more »

Three Ways To Improve Federal Digital CX On A Shoestring

Have you read the results of the Government Business Council’s new “Digital Disconnect” survey? The results are fascinating, and I could go on for quite some time about them (just ask my dogs, who have been listening to me rant about the survey all morning). However, at the moment I will focus on the resultRead… Read more »