Digital Government

Reflections of a Digital Government Customer

Australia is following the UK and the USA’s digital government lead: the citizen experience is rightly being placed front and centre in “a relentless focus on the needs of the user”. The newly released Digital Service Standard & Design Guide now provide the criteria that Australian Government digital services will meet as they embark on… Read more »

A Stress-Free Guide to Getting the Most Out of Virtual Events

Want to attend a truly awesome virtual event? Sign up for GovLoop’s free 4th Annual Government Innovators Virtual Summit on April 22nd. We live in a golden age of professional development. Gone, or at least really dimished are time-wasting travel misadventures, rubbery hotel chicken dinners, and awkward run-ins with people you’d rather avoid. Virtual conferences and trainings solve a lot of problems. They provideRead… Read more »

Innovation: What The Feds Think

Innovation is a big buzzword all over the business world. It’s taken off in the private sector, with companies such as Apple or Tesla constantly pushing boundaries in terms of creativity and delivery. In these organizations, there is a culture of innovation, where it is encouraged and rewarded. But what about the public sector? WhatRead… Read more »

5 Awesome Government Contests

Buried, hopefully deeply, in my hometown newspaper archives, there’s a photograph of a dorky 8-year-old me whose mom dressed her funny. (To be fair, it was the 80s. We were all dressed funny.) In the photo I proudly and nervously showed off my award-winning anti-drunk driving poster of a drawing of a girl crying a single cartoonish blueRead… Read more »

Can you be the next government innovator?

GovLoop’s 4th Annual Government Innovators Virtual Summit is less than a month away! In anticipation of our all-day training event, each week we’ll share snippets of information that will be elaborated on throughout the trainings. The free summit will be on April 22nd, starting at 10 AM ET — be sure to check out theRead… Read more »

The Modern Era For Government Technology

Think back to the ‘olden days’, when we had no iPhones, Internet, or even simple programs like word processing and electronic filing systems. Sounds like the Stone Age by now, doesn’t it? Digital government opens up a world of possibilities for government efficiency and innovation. President Obama issued a memo in May 2012 calling uponRead… Read more »