Digital Government

Leveraging Private Sector Know-How for Government Initiatives

This post is an excerpt  from GovLoop’s recent guide, The Future of Digital Services. In the guide, we explore five trends that are transforming the way government serves citizens in the digital age. Like any other major transition, there are ways to make government more efficient at developing and deploying digital services. To learn how agenciesRead… Read more »

IBM Center’s Weekly Roundup of Stories: March 23-27

Here are some articles from across the Web that we at the IBM Center for The Business of Government found interesting, the week of March 23-27, 2015. Dan Chenok  How the new policy on 360 reviews of government #acquisitions can work — perspectives from @kelmansteve. How to build great customer experiences with government — insightsRead… Read more »

Just How Popular Are .Gov Websites? Very, Very Popular

The world can now peek under the dashboard of U.S. government websites—an analytics dashboard, that is. A new site,, shows a live, aggregate view of the Google Analytics data for many federal government websites. The site also links to the open source datasets that run behind the analytics dashboard, should you be in a tinkering mood. The most impressiveRead… Read more »

New White House Chief Digital Engagement Officer Has a Question …

Check out this post by Jason Goldman. Starting April 6th, his new job in the White House will be “to help create more meaningful online engagement between government and American citizens.” The core question from Jason: Here’s what I would love. I would love for you to answer this question: How can we — our government andRead… Read more »

Does Your Agency’s Reputation Precede You?

There are lots of jobs with stigmas attached to them. I think it’s safe to say we’ve all heard at least one or two lawyer jokes in our lifetime. Speaking of which… A lawyer walks into a bar. Just kidding…I’m not going down that road. Government employees sometimes get a bad rap, but the truthRead… Read more »

IBM Center’s Weekly Roundup

Articles from across the Web that we at the IBM Center for The Business of Government found interesting, the week of March 16-20, 2015. Dan Chenok Interesting review of State government measures to encourage reporting on programs that aren’t working well: Advice on DATA Act implementation: OMB launches site to access multiple ITRead… Read more »

What Links Customer Experience And Innovation? The Right Question

Chris Dorobek’s March 18, 2015 program, “The Lowdown on Digital Services,” didn’t focus on innovation, but his guests’ ideas were all about it. Martha Doris, Rick Parrish, and Hannah Moss described Federal Government efforts to improve customer experience. Their comments about value as the point of a good customer experience are what innovation is supposedRead… Read more »