Digital Government

8 Tips for Changing Culture in the Federal Government

There are so many long-running projects in government that have failed to gain traction or reach full implementation. When leadership sits down to figure out why, one of the top reasons (outside of cost overruns and missed deadlines) tends to be culture, or the necessity of culture change. Of course, that’s a pretty big undertaking.Read… Read more »


Early Navigation When I discovered GovLoop 5 years ago, I had no idea that it would become one of my favorite communities on the web.  As a government outsider, I stumbled onto GovLoop as a graduate student navigating the changing Presidential Management Fellowship application process in the fall of 2010. It was one of theRead… Read more »

Focusing on Improving the Experience of the User: Do as We Say, Not as We Do

Over the past half decade the shift in popular business thinking have been more user and customer focused than ever before. Designing immersive, engaging and useful experiences for a user acts as the ‘rising tide lifts all ships’ in solving problems when developing products for public use. After using the myMyki website this past weekendRead… Read more »

Changes to Federal Talent Management Systems — Six Months and a Million Dollars

Six months and a million dollars – it’s a bit of a running joke around the Washington, DC Capital Beltway. That’s what is often referred to as the minimum time and cost to get something done on a government contract. It’s the mantra that has made many businesses a handsome living for years. What’s surprisingRead… Read more »

Top 5 Email Metrics To Track Consistently (And Why You Should Care)

Now is the time to determine which email metrics you will need to analyze to ensure you’re effectively measuring performance and moving the needle toward your goals. In this post, we’ll identify the top five email metrics to continually track and why they are important.

Succeeding with Digital Services in an Open Environment

This post is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide, The Future of Digital Services. In the guide, we explore five trends that are transforming the way government serves citizens in the digital age. Given increasing government mandates and citizen demands, it’s imperative that agencies adopt digital solutions. To discuss best practices for maximizing investment in thoseRead… Read more »

Can Innovation Chase the Wrong Things?

Organizations innovate for customers, but customers don’t think about innovation. In a digital world, customers think about ease and convenience, speed, security. Citizens care about receiving what they were promised. And in government, that means many things to many people. So if innovation means doing something different to add value for customers, what does itRead… Read more »

The FY 2016 Budget: Details Worth a Look

The Administration’s FY 2016 budget proposal shows that it is committed to creating capacity and sustainability for performance-and-results based government. It’s all in the details. Beyond the dollars in the President’s budget, there are some details buried in congressional justifications that are worth examining. I think there are three sets of initiatives – that forRead… Read more »

The 13 Most Bizarre .Gov Domains

What does the U.S. government need with 5,300 domains? Because that’s how many there are on 18F’s complete list of .gov domains. There are plenty of oddball URLs that will have you scratching your head and wondering: What were they thinking? Some domains have no website in place. We’re left to guess—or Google—if these parked domains were registered for campaignsRead… Read more »