Digital Government

In 7 Words or Less…What’s Your 2015 Prediction?

Wow.  2014 was a great year for government innovation.  We are in the middle of writing our end of year wrap-up guide highlighting 30 great case studies of government innovation from USGS drones to GSA smart building to State of Hawaii’s gamification website. And those are just the ones that made the cut for this guide –Read… Read more »

Digital Communications & the Rise of the CMO

CMO. CDO. CXO. Just a few acronyms for the increasingly important job that focuses on customer experience and digital communications. (For now, let’s just stick with CMO: Chief Marketing Officer.) At GovLoop’s Wednesday event, The Citizen & the Government: How They Connect, Brian Paget, Technical Director for Content & Analytics at Adobe, and David Yang, ViceRead… Read more »

Paperless Government is Better Government

How many hours per day to you spend dealing with paper? One hour? Two hours? For many in state and local government, it can actually be upwards of six hours a day! That’s too much time dedicated to printing, filing and searching for information when you could be doing more important, mission-critical tasks. Fortunately, emerging technologyRead… Read more »

Creating Innovation Offices That Work

A new report, “A Guide for Making Innovation Offices Work,” details the models, methods, and metrics of how government agencies are incorporating innovation into their bureaucracies. Innovation offices are being established by many governments—including cities (Austin, Philadelphia, Chicago), states (Maryland, Colorado, and Pennsylvania), and federal agencies (NARA, HHS, State Department).  But not all offices areRead… Read more »

Why Innovate?

Innovation means doing something different to get a better result, to produce more value for a customer. Innovation solves problems that have eluded solutions. It can unleash commitment and change organizational cultures. So if innovation is all that, why not innovate? Government innovates every day. Legislation starts with a problem and ends with a solution. Then agenciesRead… Read more »

Join GovLoop’s State & Local Virtual Innovators Summit!

From new citizen engagement strategies and mobile apps to doing more with less, state and local governments are continuously finding innovative solutions to really tough issues. There are countless examples of state and local governments leveraging technology and tackling challenges in a proactive, inventive and agile way — and we’re here to highlight them. Wednesday,Read… Read more »

Think Social Media isn’t Public Record? Think Again…

How can social media make government more transparent while minimizing legal risk? At this point, most public agencies employ at least one or two social media platforms and understand their value. They may tout their cool Facebook pages as pre-teens scoff and double-tap photos on Instagram, but any social media presence is better than noRead… Read more »

How You Can Excel With Community Planning

As state and local government employees, you face some tough IT obstacles. You have to build digital solutions to meet constituent demand, and design IT systems and architectures to support new services – all in an environment of tight budgets and limited staff. But by conquering these challenges, you can improve the community planning andRead… Read more »