Digital Government

New GovLoop Report Identifies 5 Components of a Digital Government

Announcing GovLoop Latest Report: Crafting a Comprehensive Digital Government Strategy Excerpt of Executive Summary | View Online Below or Download PDF Last week GovLoop released the report, Crafting a Comprehensive Digital Government Strategy. This report draws upon a survey of 94 members of the GovLoop community who are currently adopting emerging technology at the state,Read… Read more »

Arlington Cemetery Goes MOBILE – Take a Look at the New ANC Explorer App

If you’ve ever had the privilege to visit Arlington National Cemetery you know the grounds are vast. In fact there are more than 290,000 soldiers buried throughout the 624 acres of hallowed ground. The terrain can make it difficult for families to locate the headstone of their loved ones. So Arlington National Cemetery has goneRead… Read more »

Crowdsourcing Solutions, One Competition at a Time: TopCoder Profiled – 2

Last week we told you about TopCoder. (You can access the entire interview here). But basically TopCoder is member based group of more than 460,000 coders from around the world, that harnesses the power of crowd-sourcing to achieve goals. It seems fairly straightforward right? But, Mike Lydon, the Chief Technology Officer, told Chris Dorobek onRead… Read more »

Government Competitions Redux: TopCoder and the Power of Crowdsourcing – 1

Competitions are changing the way government iterates and innovates. NASA and OPM have both opted to use TopCoder to create new apps. TopCoder is member based group of more than 460,000 coders from around the world. TopCoder harnesses the power of crowd-sourcing to achieve goals. Mike Lydon is the Chief Technology Officer and Jim McKeownRead… Read more »

Exploring How Enterprise Content Management Improves Workflows and Organizational Efficiencies

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) technology is helping to transform how government delivers services. The post below briefly highlights ECM technology and the benefits of ECM. Government is certainly in a transitional period as to how services are delivered, and core to this transition is freeing government of the burden of paper, and placing workers, staff,Read… Read more »

Join Our Study: Crafting a Comprehensive Digital Government Strategy

Join Our Survey: Crafting a Comprehensive Digital Government Strategy The GovLoop team needs your help. We are currently working on a report, Crafting a Comprehensive Digital Government Strategy, and would be appreciative if you could take 10 minutes to take our survey to help with the research in our report. Below you will find theRead… Read more »

10 Parallels Between the US and UK Digital Government Strategy

Post Highlights Overview of the UK Digital Strategy Comparison of the UK and US Digital Government Strategies What lessons learned and parallels can we find from the UK & US? In November of last year, the UK Government released their Digital Government Strategy. As a lot of attention here in the states has been placedRead… Read more »

3 Lessons from UK’s Government Digital Strategy – 100k, Marketing, Libraries

The U.K just launched their Government Digital Strategy with 11 principles and 14 activities encompassing their approach to moving government into a digital first world. Andrea DiMaio just wrote a good recap on the pros/cons of the strategy and I wanted to highlight a couple of my favorite items and what they mean for otherRead… Read more »