Enhancing the Citizen Experience With Quality Data
Where interactions suffer is when the quality of data doesn’t match documentation requirements. Improving the citizen experience can resolve these issues.
Where interactions suffer is when the quality of data doesn’t match documentation requirements. Improving the citizen experience can resolve these issues.
Here are some best practices for equating how information security can reduce risk to a level that is acceptable to your agency.
In the first of a two-part series, get a brief overview of three tech concepts and some of the common pitfalls encountered when implementing them.
Since January 2020, the department has used a virtual collaboration tool to connect 11 fire stations spread across approximately 106 square miles.
Through SHOTs videos, IRS employees can brush up on a subject in about three minutes or less on average.
Microlearning videos have increased training retention at the IRS by providing short training videos that are available to view just-in-time.
The two events of 2020 that had the biggest impact on Maricopa County’s information security program were the COVID-19 pandemic and 2020 election cycle.
Agencies can only prolong government digital transformation for so long before people demand change. Here’s how to make progress without unnecessary risk.
Agencies need to figure out ways to not just close budget gaps but also raise new revenue streams. To do so, they must prioritize services based on need, not want.
The biggest blockchain obstacles are also the easiest to clear – it only takes smart city boosters educating those in charge.