Mapping Your Agency’s DevOps Journey
In an interview with GovLoop, a Senior Solutions Engineer at Atlassian shared core tenets that agencies should consider when embarking on a DevOps transformation, as well as common pitfalls to look out for.
In an interview with GovLoop, a Senior Solutions Engineer at Atlassian shared core tenets that agencies should consider when embarking on a DevOps transformation, as well as common pitfalls to look out for.
Agencies need a unified approach to managing digital risks to securely and efficiently operate in today’s digital environment.
Using an application performance management solution, agencies can proactively monitor the end user experience of any local, cloud or enterprise mobile app.
Security operations centers (SOCs) are centralized units that deal with security issues on an organizational and technical basis.
An e-discovery solution can help agencies meet their data and legal demands faster without sacrificing privacy, security or speed.
A key component of what makes a community smart is its ability to embrace civic inclusion, or foster public participation, engagement and crowdsourcing that helps a whole community understand what matters more to constituents.
To learn more about the best approaches to enterprise risk management (ERM), we turned to the foremost source on government standards for security: NIST.
FITARA is misnamed, but that’s not to suggest the law has failed to transform the way federal agencies go about investing in technology.
Many agencies are hopping onto the bandwagon of RPA, the workhorse technology that automates repetitive and instruction-based tasks.
The emergence of advanced self-service analytics platforms like Alteryx means people now have access to greater information and the power of insight, ultimately giving data workers more time to analyze than to prep.