6 Steps to Digital Transformation
This six step framework not only provides a way to understand current or completed digital transformation initiatives; it can also be used to plan and execute new projects.
This six step framework not only provides a way to understand current or completed digital transformation initiatives; it can also be used to plan and execute new projects.
The answer may come from how agencies are discussing cybersecurity with potential employees. Too many agencies may present cybersecurity as a losing battle.
Whether you are creating the website with your own staff, or using an outside firm to do the work, they should be using best of breed tools and techniques that are not only intuitive but also allow changes as technology and users dictate.
Today’s cyberthreats include foreign governments, criminals, hacktivists and terrorists. Their motivations range from financial gain to hurting the U.S.
Imagine 150,000 people vanishing. If you’re having trouble picturing it, it might be because that number is roughly a quarter of the federal workforce.
For those of us who have worked in technology for a long time, we expect to see new buzzwords and phrases based on technology changes. Digital government is the latest catchphrase, but do we really understand what it means?
The federal government is struggling with modernizing with cloud and artificial intelligence (AI) at the private sector’s pace.
RPA features software bots handling easy, rules-based activities that might traditionally fall into the “busy work” category.
For starters, keep in mind that your homepage should be well branded and easily navigable, but it’s infrequently the first page visitors are landing on.
“Insider threat” is an ambiguous phrase, as it denotes any individual with access to an organization’s insider information.