Food Safety: How Governments Can Leverage Blockchain for Greater Traceability
Worried about romaine? Blockchain can help government tackle the food safety challenge with greater end-to-end transparency and accountability.
Worried about romaine? Blockchain can help government tackle the food safety challenge with greater end-to-end transparency and accountability.
The amount of personal data collected by organizations is staggering. As Facebook and Cambridge Analytica taught us, the opportunity to abuse data is overwhelming. For these reasons, we need to embrace the concept of data ethics.
Federal government agencies are faced with an immense amount of data, with more pouring in every second. With so much information, keeping track of it all can be extremely challenging, particularly when there are bad actors seeking to take advantage of the data overflow. AI and machine learning can help.
As we come to the end of the year, govies of all levels and functions should be considering what’s on the horizon for technology and how it could affect their agency, mission, and day-to-day work in 2019.
Everywhere you look, government agencies are juggling a number of IT modernization initiatives. Introducing new technology is exciting and leads to better services for constituents, but it can also be extremely challenging to implement for many reasons.
Whether you are creating the website with your own staff, or using an outside firm to do the work, they should be using best of breed tools and techniques that are not only intuitive but also allow changes as technology and users dictate.
The terms ‘automation, ‘artificial intelligence,’ and ‘machine learning’ are hot topics in a lot of government technology conversations. These terms are often used interchangeably and sometimes incorrectly, which can be confusing. Let’s take a look at what this tech jargon means.
Government IT departments are facing the exact challenge of when, what and how to upgrade, as their applications become growingly outmoded and user experience suffers.
When the military is able to properly ingest, sort, store and analyze data about its equipment and vehicles, it can predict everything from machine failure to maintenance needs before breakdowns happen, saving effort, time, money and possibly lives.
RPA features software bots handling easy, rules-based activities that might traditionally fall into the “busy work” category.