Keeping Up with the Intelligence Community
Are you making your data meaningful and accessible?
Are you making your data meaningful and accessible?
Listen to the wisdom that open data is imparting.
Is your agency leveraging public-private partnerships?
The federal government is increasingly adopting industry best practices for earth observation and imagery workflows to improve service delivery and support the administration’s goals and other federal initiatives. At our recent event, three experts shared their takes on the ways imagery is modernizing workflows to enhance decision-making.
Learn how to fight fraud with maps.
What does the drone movement mean for the public workforce?
Why IT and GIS are meant to work together.
The evolution of mobile strategies.
You can use geospatial information systems to help mitigate the opioid crisis.
While mobile and GIS technology have evolved, however, they remain independent of each other in many state and local governments. Combining the two technologies can fundamentally shift the way cities, counties and states enable access to information.