Beyond Smart Cities: Leveraging the Framework for Installations
Ready to take your government or military installation to the next level? Check out how you can turn your installation into a smart installation in four easy steps.
Ready to take your government or military installation to the next level? Check out how you can turn your installation into a smart installation in four easy steps.
GIS services allow for time-saving tactics, smarter decisions and more holistic approaches to comprehending data analytics.
As our government continues the journey of open data and citizen engagement, finding meaningful ways to share that data and encourage interaction will only grow in importance. Maps are just one way to improve our citizens’ customer experience.
Learn how to get the most out of your imagery with Esri’s imagery analysis solutions.
I would argue that one of the most interesting reasons this election will be viewed as a tipping point is because of the role of technology in making voters’ experiences even better.
Imagery analysis methods like change detection help provide critical data for environmental monitoring and natural resource management. Beach erosion, melting ice caps and forest fires are a few examples of the types of change detection analysis that imagery can support.
We see the explosion of GIS with the advancements in technology. Do you know how often you use GIS?
Leveraging mobile technology can do everything from making your agency’s workforce more efficient to promoting citizen engagement. Check out these tools that can help your agency refine its mobile strategy and implement more efficient and effective processes.
Keeping constituents and the communities they live in safe is a top priority for law makers. Fortunately, open data is making this a little easier. Learn how govies are forming partnerships at the state, local, and federal levels to optimize open data and keep communities safe.
GIS technology can be used to help address fraud, waste and abuse in several different ways. Organizations benefit from closely examining location-based factors to identify hot spots, regional variations and clusters, such as co-locations of services. Then, real-time data analysis shows spatial trends that inform predictions about future needs and issues — or, in this… Read more »