Putting the Where in Social Analytics: How Location Analytics and Social Media is Transforming Government

Yesterday GIS professionals from throughout the Washington, DC metro area joined to share in an opportunity to learn more about the unique integration of social media and GIS. Social media has changed the way organizations engage and communicate with citizens. Yet, understanding how to truly leverage volumes of unstructured social media data presents unique challengesRead… Read more »

Safe and Secure: How GIS Has Revolutionized Our National Security Efforts

Every nation is faced with the essential task of protecting citizens, constantly working to protect citizens from hostile countries, organizations, mitigating effects of natural disasters and securing critical infrastructure. In doing so, nations can protect the unique way of life and cultural identities of their citizens. To help achieve these ends, many national security agenciesRead… Read more »

Protecting and Preserving Our Natural Resources With GIS

More than ever before, natural resource managers are challenged to think of new ways to preserve and restore our habitats. You are faced with a diversity of tasks to protect our environments, everything from monitoring deforestation and its impacts, to conservation efforts and tracking climate change. John Steffenson, Federal Civilian and Global Affairs, Esri, andRead… Read more »

Old Faithful Goes Digital: Google’s Partnership with The U.S. National Park Service

When the government shut down in October 2013, employees were furloughed, websites were sent offline, and delivery of important government services was interrupted. These were all difficult consequences for our nation. Yet, the one effect of the shutdown that seemed to foster the most frustration was an unexpected one: the closing of our national parks.Read… Read more »

It’s Finally Here: The Citizen Engagement Tool Congress Has Been Waiting For

Here on GovLoop we’ve written and shared stories of how GIS has transformed executive level agencies. Yet, GIS is being used in more than just executive agencies. The legislative branch has also caught on to the power of GIS. Tim Petty, Deputy Legislative Director for Senator James Risch (R – Idaho), shared several examples ofRead… Read more »

How GIS and Maps Improve Public Discourse

One of the technologies that is going to be shaping government drastically in the coming years is GIS. GIS holds the ability to extract knowledge from big data, leverage the cloud for efficiencies, improve communications with citizens and help drive improved decision making for organizations. We’ve written quite a bit about the power of GISRead… Read more »

The Power of Storytelling and Map Making

Recently I listened to the podcast: “American Futures” and the power of maps. The interview was part of the “American Futures” project, which is a joint endeavor of Esri and The Atlantic to describe America through journalism. The idea of the American Futures project was created by the Atlantic’s Jim Fallows. The podcast also includedRead… Read more »

LGS Inc. Launches The PermitLogix team has combined web management and mapping technologies to bring an easy to use service for all local government development permit and application requirements. We have truly created a product for the Gov. 2.0 era. In 2010, LGS Inc. successfully launched the Local Information Utility Cloud GIS for smallRead… Read more »