Copyright and Consultant Exhibits

Today another question came up in our ongoing discussions about copyright and government. So I thought I’d post the scenario and question and see how others viewed this. It seems that many counties, at least in Illinois, arrange for the production of aerials and the creation of data such as parcel information, roadway and waterRead… Read more »

Using Google Street View for Engineering Submittals

Many people are probably familiar with Google Maps. This online tool offered by Google allows you to see an aerial view of a specific area and get directions and travel times from one address to another. Some might also take advantage of Google’s “street view” which allows you to see a location as if youRead… Read more »

Exploring How GIS Can Be Used to Manage Facilities and Plan Campuses

There are dozens of applications as to how GIS can be used to improve the public sector, everything from improving service delivery, gaining efficiency, and monitoring and assessing government programs. One emerging area of GIS is the use of GIS to help plan and optimize facilities. Public sector organizations operate and maintain thousands of facilities,Read… Read more »

Future of GIS- Esri Federal GIS Conference

On Monday I attended Esri’s annual Federal GIS Conference. This conference brings together over 2,700 GIS professionals, managers, and government executives for three days of intensive learning and sharing. In the morning plenary session, Jack Dangermond, Esri President, discussed how GIS technology and mapping are helping government employees do their job better and more efficientlyRead… Read more »

3 Benefits of Location Analytics for the Public Sector

Location analytics is helping to guide the next phase of GIS. This post highlights three benefits of location analytics for organizations, the post pays special attention as to how traditional business intelligence tools and Esri’s ArcGIS platform is transforming how government delivers services. You can view the GovLoop Industry Perspectice: ArcGIS as a Platform online,Read… Read more »

Building a More Efficient Government with GIS Technology

Many public organizations are using GIS technology to become more efficient and better manage their various facilities. One great case study is how the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) developed a smartphone app to report repair issues in real-time. LAUSD is the second largest public school district in the US and manages facilities thatRead… Read more »

Imagery Sharing- NOAA’s Land Cover Atlas

For several years, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has used Esri’s ArcGIS technology to process, analyze, and fuse different types of geospatial imagery to integrate information and help conservation efforts. One great example of their effort is the Land Cover Atlas, which is produced every five years using data extracted from the CoastalRead… Read more »

GIS technology & Mapping for the Non-GIS Professionals

As much as we may try, we can’t all be GIS professionals or expert mappers. But that doesn’t mean GIS technology should be ignored by the non-GIS professionals. Maps can and should play an integral role in helping us do our job better. One of the most significant benefits of GIS technology is improved communicationRead… Read more »

GIS in the Cloud

From the private to the public sector, organizations are quickly making the transition to the cloud to streamline processes and reduce costs. The cloud is also becoming increasingly more important for GIS professionals. This is because cloud computing offers an alternative to traditional methods of consuming GIS services, allowing consumers to access GIS maps andRead… Read more »