Esri Federal GIS Conference: How does ArcGIS Apply to Your Agency?

Esri’s upcoming Federal GIS Conference is sure to be an awesome couple of days. Attendees are going to learn a ton about incredible GIS technology and what it will do for the federal government. You may think that ArcGIS is really cool, but wonder how it applies to your agency and your job. Be sureRead… Read more »

Esri Federal GIS Conference: I Have No Idea What GIS Is

Lately, we’ve been talking about Esri’s upcoming Federal GIS Conference, and I know what a lot of you may be thinking: “A conference completely devoted to discussing GIS sounds really cool, but I don’t know anything about GIS!” Is this you? Maybe you know of GIS, but feel like you don’t know enough to diveRead… Read more »

Esri Federal GIS Conference: Don’t Miss a Thing!

Have you ever gone to a conference full of exciting events and exhibits, but didn’t know where to start and found yourself feeling a little overwhelmed? Have you wanted to hear a panel discussion on a specific topic rather than a general session, or you wanted to find out which of the conference’s social eventsRead… Read more »

What do You, Government, and GIS Have in Common?

In Washington, we see our fair share of conferences on a variety of topics. Sometimes we learn a ton, and others, we feel completely lost. I love attending conferences that are full of learning and innovation, but also relevant to me and what I do on a daily basis. Have your heard about Geographic InformationRead… Read more »

GovLoop Training: How GIS Can Improve Citizen Engagement

On Tuesday, (12/6), GovLoop and Esri hosted a training webinar on “How GIS Can Improve Citizen Engagement.” During the training we discussed how geographic information systems (GIS) can be used as platforms for Government 2.0. Throughout the training we explored specific examples of how this technology can increase citizen engagement. Below please find key resourcesRead… Read more »

Redistricting Tools

Of late, a number of tools are popping up on-line to allow the average constituent redistrict their city/county, etc. While the one for Los Angeles has been available since May (facilitating a crowd-sourced effort), New York has recently made theirs available. The interesting twist on the New York release is that it is based uponRead… Read more »

ArcGIS Keeps Insurers in the Know

This year’s hurricane season brought some pretty intense storms our way. 2011 churned up many severe tropical storms such as Arlene, Bret, Emily, Harvey, Maria, and Rina. Those of us on the East Coast remember the pandamonium and alert of Irene as she worked her way up Eastern shores. Meteorologists always track tropical storms, butRead… Read more »

How Can You Shape the ESRI ArcGIS User Conference?

Calling all presenters! Esri wants you to be part of the ultimate resource for Esri Users! Do you have a knowledge and a passion for ArcGIS? Want to share your tips, strategies, and accomplishments with fellow GIS professionals? Esri is looking for ArcGIS users to submit presentation abstracts for Esri’s next user conference. You canRead… Read more »