Human Resources

Are We Setting New Supervisors Up for Success?

Organizations often fail to adequately prepare new supervisors for success, which affects both human and financial capital. But investing in structured, pre-supervisory leadership development programs can make a world of difference.

Management Minutes With Mika

How Can You Set Strategic Career Goals?

It’s almost 2025, which means it’s time to start thinking about your goals and plans for the upcoming year. In the latest edition of Management Minutes with Mika, workplace transformation strategist Mika Cross discusses how to prepare for and set short and long-term goals with Defense Department senior executive and podcaster Love Rutledge. Let’s exploreRead… Read more »

Addressing Federal Workforce Skill Gaps: AI-Driven Upskilling with Service Management

New AI technology available to the federal government is creating new opportunities for efficiency across agencies. However, many federal employees lack the skills required to manage and innovate with AI tools, creating a skills gap that could challenge the government’s ability to fully utilize AI capabilities to streamline government services. By implementing a centralized AI… Read more »

5 In-Demand Skills for Modern Government Workers

Modern government employees need five in-demand skills to stay relevant, said a government workforce expert at the October 2024 NextGen professional development virtual summit. Here’s what they are and why they matter.