Human Resources

5 Ways To Unravel A Sexist System

This weekend in synagogue an elderly gentleman introduced himself to my husband. After a lengthy discussion about their respective careers, after talking about his daughter who is apparently highly sought-after by potential employers in a technical field, after asking my younger daughter where she planned to go to college and what she planned to study,Read… Read more »

The Capabilities, Convenience and Cost of Federal Talent Acquisition Systems

A look into how and why one HR technology has managed to dominate the Federal talent acquisition market despite increasing numbers of competitors, their superior capabilities, and the Economy Act. The US Federal Government’s recruitment processes have been supported by HR technologies more than any other HR function.  They have become indispensable tools to helpRead… Read more »

Banish the Monday Morning Blues by Planning Ahead on Sunday Night

Monday morning is the punchline of innumerable coffee mugs and Garfield cartoons. It’s the brutal, unflinching time when we transition from the unstructured weekend into the regimented work week — and many of us spend it in a caffeine-deprived haze, trying to sort out priorities. But what if you could tackle Monday morning with aRead… Read more »

The Low-Down on Agency-Run Strategic Reviews

The Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Shaun Donovan, put agencies on notice last week that the Administration is doubling down on the implementation of its priorities and tracking progress more closely. This memo indirectly adds some urgency to the relatively new “agency annual strategic reviews” which are currently underway in agencies acrossRead… Read more »

Why Sisterhood, Still?

Because women are half the population, but not even remotely half of our leadership. Because biased perceptions about women as bosses continues. Because women earn less than men for the same work no matter how you slice it. But still pay more for health care. Because women still do more than their fair share when it come toRead… Read more »

11 Ways to Deal with an Underperforming Employee

The GAO released a report last month calling for better management of substandard employees. According to the report, the government could benefit from better performance management training and use of tools to address underperforming individuals. Dealing with underperforming employees can be difficult, and can lead to some awkward conversations. Here are some of my favorite tipsRead… Read more »