Human Resources

The Power of “Thank You”

Briefly – how often do we stop and thank the people who have helped us? I thought about this the other day. Actually I thought about it when I stopped to make a blessing. Jewish law says that you’re not supposed to do other things while you’re also praising G-d. And I realized how manyRead… Read more »

Wanted: Pure, Rational and Patient Public Servants

In early February, I shared my alarm over the public’s apparent lack of trust in their public servants. As reported in a U.S. Conference of Mayors/Zogby Analytics national survey, people trusted small business owners and young persons fresh out of grad school, in that order, to guide them through the challenges of the 21st Century.Read… Read more »

5 Tips for Confronting a Problem Co-Worker

It all started with an empty pot of coffee. But let me start at the beginning… Back in the olden days, when I roamed the earth with the dinosaurs, my personality was a bit different. In the workplace, I was shy and timid, and as a result, somewhat reticent. That didn’t last long, thankfully, probablyRead… Read more »

Dealing With Cutbacks? Turn to Automation

Do less with more. One person doing two jobs. Make better decisions – but with fewer resources. These sort of phrases have become the new edict of government. As budgets get cut and staff reduced, government employees wonder how, exactly, they are supposed to get everything done, when it seems like they have more andRead… Read more »

Does Your Agency’s Reputation Precede You?

There are lots of jobs with stigmas attached to them. I think it’s safe to say we’ve all heard at least one or two lawyer jokes in our lifetime. Speaking of which… A lawyer walks into a bar. Just kidding…I’m not going down that road. Government employees sometimes get a bad rap, but the truthRead… Read more »