Human Resources

Making Friends With The Millennials

The dawn of the millennials is coming for the federal workforce. Four out of ten federal workers will be eligible for retirement in the next five years, according to OPM director Katherine Archuleta. Meaning that someone has to fill those spots – and it will be the millennials. Does this mean the face of theRead… Read more »

Millennials: Diverse but Inclusive?

They are the offspring of the Boomer generation that gave us the Civil Rights movement. They are responsible for the nation’s election of its first Black President. Demographers call them the most diverse generation ever. They were educated in school systems that emphasized mainstreaming, collaboration and diversity. They were exposed to diverse classrooms that wereRead… Read more »

Why Starbucks’ Race Together Campaign Should be Careful

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has asked employees at his 7,300 stores in the U.S. to voluntarily write #RaceTogether on their coffee cups of their customers as a window to talking about inclusion with his baristas. While he should be commended for his corporate responsibility to initiate conversations with customers on race relations, his approach addressesRead… Read more »

Comfortable…Around People with Disabilities?

I had a friend who always said, “As quiet as it’s kept…” meaning he would call out the so-called “elephant in the room”; the topic that no one wants to talk about. You could expect to hear… “As quiet as it’s kept, the only reason they laugh at Uncle Herb’s corny jokes is because he givesRead… Read more »

Finding Your Agency’s Shining Stars

According to Katherine Archuleta, Director of the Office of Personnel Management, four out of ten federal employees will be eligible for retirement in the next five years. With the impending emptying of desks, who will step up and be the government’s new shining stars? Defense and intelligence are fields of government where there is noRead… Read more »