Human Resources

Why I’m Excited About President Obama’s TechHire Program

In case you missed it, this week President Obama launched the TechHire Initiative. Funded through the Department of Labor, TechHire is an ambitious effort that makes $100 million available in grants to train workers for technology related jobs. “TechHire is a bold multi-sector effort and call to action to empower Americans with the skills they need,Read… Read more »

Are You REDI for Diversity?

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) recently launched a new program to drive up diversity in the federal workforce. The program is known as REDI: Recruitment, Engagement, Diversity, and Inclusion. The government is, potentially, at a turning point in terms of its diversity. In the coming years, there will be massive turnover in the governmentRead… Read more »

$$$ and the State – How Do They Stack Up?

If you’re anything like me, every two weeks you look at your paycheck and hope for just a few more dollars to magically appear. In reality, the number stays the same. For state and local government employees, salaries have been stagnant for years. “Our whole country has been stunned by the difficulty we’ve had inRead… Read more »

How to Prevent Harassment in the Federal Workplace

When most people hear about workplace harassment, it’s likely to be sexual harassment because that’s traditionally been the most common and publicized form. However, harassment is much broader than that of a purely sexual nature. In fact, harassment may take many forms of which not everyone is aware. Under federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination, harassmentRead… Read more »

How IT Can Prevent Public Servants From Burning Out

Although technology has drastically changed the way government operates, there are still some ideals that remain timeless about government. One of these is the foundation of what it means to be a public servant, which was perhaps said best by the Athenian Oath, nearly 2,000 years ago: “We will never bring disgrace on this ourRead… Read more »

The FY 2016 Budget: Details Worth a Look

The Administration’s FY 2016 budget proposal shows that it is committed to creating capacity and sustainability for performance-and-results based government. It’s all in the details. Beyond the dollars in the President’s budget, there are some details buried in congressional justifications that are worth examining. I think there are three sets of initiatives – that forRead… Read more »

Talkin’ Pretty: Design and Accessibility

We’ve got a new twist this week, folks. Since I’ve been blogging mostly about accessibility, I wanted to talk with someone who approaches accessibility from a different perspective than a subject matter expert. I met with a designer who works for a federal government agency and has a refreshing outlook on design and accessibility. SheRead… Read more »

11 Rules for Using Government Email

On Monday, the New York Times reported that Hillary Clinton may have violated federal records laws when she used her personal email to conduct all of her official State Department business during her four years as Secretary of State. Federal law states that certain emails written or received by federal employees become government records andRead… Read more »